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Superiors: Your laws
Difficulty: Easy
Guides: Guide to construction, Guide to advanced construction, Singularity Engine, Solars, Guide to Telecommunications
Access: Everywhere
Duties: Maintain the integrity of the station. Avoid any non-drone species.
Minimum requirements: Maintain the space station, don't have elaborate communications with others.
Minimum Chronological Age: Not defined

Synthetic roles

Note that Drones are currently Available to be spawned from robotics at any time. Go ham nerd.

IMPORTANT: As a Drone you MUST NOT DISTURB THE ONGOING ROUND, you are bound to three simple laws. Understand what they mean and obey them to the letter.

Drones are non-human, insect-like creatures tasked with maintaining the integrity of Nanotrasen space stations. They are usually the result of cooperation between Robotics and RnD. Drones hold no loyalty to anyone but themselves, however their entire purpose is to maintain the integrity of their assigned space station. They cannot interact with any non-drone person at all, at risk of destruction.

Drones are played by players who are currently ghosted. In order to take control of a Drone, find a empty drone shell (usually these will be in robotics) and then left click it. See also building a drone

Drone Laws

These are rules

You will be banned from playing as a drone if you break these laws.

  1. You may not harm any being, regardless of intent or circumstance.
  2. Your goals are to actively build, maintain, repair, improve, and provide power to the best of your abilities within the facility that housed your activationFor Derelict Drones, so they don't go to the Station, or so that station drones don't spacetide..

Drones are a ghost role that are allowed to fix the station and build things.

Actions that are not allowed include:

  • Interacting with round critical objects (IDs, weapons, contraband, powersinks, bombs, etc.)
  • Changing the health state of living beings (attacking, healing, etc.)
  • Interacting with non-living beings (dragging bodies, looting bodies, etc.)

Please keep these rules in mind, failing to do so can lead to a ban.

If you do not have the regular drone laws, follow your laws to the best of your ability.

Nanotrasen stations being what they are, gray areas might sometimes arise. When in doubt, ahelp.


Drones have two hands and can pick up and interact with most objects around the station just like humans. They also have an internal storage chamber that can hold anything they can pick up, such as a toolbox or sheet of metal. Drones also have built-in light sources, as bright as flashlights, for when they are working in dark areas.

Drones can climb through connected vents to quickly move around the station. To do that hold down the Alt key while left-clicking on a vent. Use this to access areas without opening doors and to gather tools or materials for repairs faster than any regular crew member could. Think about cleaning up your mess after a task is complete to minimize your possible interaction with the crew (law 1). Drones can additionally crawl under doors with ctrl-shift click, taking time to slip through them without opening.

Drones can talk to and understand other drones at a distance using :b, and can understand human speech, but humans will hear their speech only as "Drone (524) says, '--/--./--," and the morse code has no relation to what was intended to be said. As a drone you can also understand binary. That means you can listen in on the silicon radio channel. This allows you to find out about hull breaches and other events that might require your attention -- provided the silicons are actually making use of their channel. However, you are not able to communicate on this channel yourself.

Some humans will want to pick you up and wear you as a hat. This is of course of no concern to you.

Drones and You

Drones are here to repair your screw ups damage to the station. They are able to procure these resources on their own and may attempt to take them from your workplace. Most of the time this should not be a problem for you, but if it is, pick up the metal or glass and the drone will leave it (and you) alone.

Remember, drones will probably glitch out and steal your shit are very single-minded in their focus on their task and thus are likely to acquire supplies you need for yourself. While a recent system updates has made them capable of comprehending human speech they can not respond and depending on how their logic core is configured, they may consider listening to you saying to go away to be 'interacting' -- percussive maintenance may be required to correct the configuration.

The repurposed W.I.Z Inc. machine-spirit hardware in drone tech is highly susceptible to hat based emanations. Stealing Borrowing of hats is an unfortunate side effect of this; do not be alarmed. If the glitchy little bastard valued robot helper refuses to give up your headgear, wear the drone as a hat instead. Some models of drone have an inbuilt holoprojector for headgear.


Drones can customize both their appearances and the colors in which they appear in.

File:Drone.png File:Repairdrone.png File:Scoutdrone.png
File:Droneblue.png File:Dronegreen.png File:Dronepink.png File:Dronepink2.png File:Dronered.png File:Superdrone.png

Drone Types

Very rarely encountered, never naturally implemented. Still exists in the code, however.



Instead of the default drone laws, the syndicate drone receives a special syndicate lawset. It gets 10 telecrystals (which can be used to buy weapons), and can kill and eat other drones to increase its health. They also get access to the syndicate radio channel, and wears a syndicate spacesuit helmet as a hat. It has a default 30 health, but by consuming other drones, it can reach a maximum health pool of 120. Very powerful, as it has all access, and can ventcrawl around. This, combined with the fact that the little bugger is super hard to hit means that you can be a real menace to the crew.

Law 1: Interfere.

Law 2: Kill.

Law 3: Destroy.

Badass Syndrone

It's a regular Syndrone, except it has 30 telecrystals, which is plenty enough for you to go on a killing rampage. It is distinguished by normal syndrones by getting a special elite syndicate spacesuit helmet as a hat. Fancy. Unfortunately, it still has 30 default health and is still vulnerable to EMPs.

Snowflake Drone

A maintenance drone with a built in holographic projector to display hats and masks. The possibilities are endless! This drone can also polymorph its own color.

Jobs on Nova Sector Station