Cargo Policy

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Nova Sector policies
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Or elsewise, cha-ching.

Free Trade Union Official Operations Memorandum

(Cargo Policy/ “SOP”)
Bullet points:
  • Cargo, be it the department, or the workers, are /not/ owned-or-operated by NT, they are FTU members on contract to fulfill departmental orders.

however, you also aren't required to fulfill anything outside of department orders.

  • Wrapped bounty cubes are at the mercy of Cargo workers, be greedy at your own risk.
  • The QM can open carry their rifle, and elsewise, overwrite or revoke orders from just about anyone, even the captain, though they shouldn’t expect IC immunity from doing so.
  • Your goal, as a cargo technician/QM is to make Money, and elsewise, keep up a good appearance for the Union.

Keywords: ‘Legally’: Implies anything bought from here will be an IC issue, while within the constraints of powergaming rules, unless stated elsewise.

NT-Merchant Relations, and how they affect you:

NT Operates the station at a baseline, but the cargo department, and it's areas, are yours.

What does this mean for me? (in the tone of a lonely stock associate)

  • While the station can arrest, detain, destroy, or elsewise, merchandise that leaves the department, within the departments doors, sealed packages and the like are considered as 'being held', and thusly, the property of the department, and not any one person.
  • The exception to this; however, is 'departmental orders,' elsewise, known as 'bought from a department console,' which has the funds wired from the appropriate department, and most importantly, are the sole crates /required/ to be delivered, without exception, after-all, they're the reason you're on this tin-can.
  • What about that 'broad range of merchandise' people keep telling me about? Well my friend, should circumstances permit you to access an 'expanded market' from your console, usually, by skilled technician work applied to the board: just know the Union, it's associates, and the Merchants themselves can't and won't confirm or deny allegations for where the items in question came from.

The Budget:

The lifeblood of your department:

  • Spend your money while you have it, because anything in the budget when the shift's over doesn't go to you, or the Union, the money spent from the budget does, so, ideally? Get it gone.


Legality, illegality: The issue of guns illegal, or legal ending up in station-goers hands is a question of morality, and not policy, you (the character) decide if you’d take a bribe to give a permitless man a shotgun, knowing full well security will come knocking if he gets a little spicy with it.

Who can have one
Permits are for legal weapons, if you wish to provide weapons illegally to the crew, do so at your own risk, and remember, the Union will take no share in your blame, your profits are your own, but so are the risks.

(Do be reasonable with your self-arming, follow the hopefully added by time this rolls out “Power Triangle” until then, keep it to two of the following at most: A gun, a melee (think knife/sword), or armor.)This is not an excuse to self-antag, while possessing them is an IC issue, gunning down people for poorly escalated reasons will still exist as an OOC issue.

What you can order, by “tab”

For request orders without a form being dropped off, or even a reason, use your best judgment.

(*Private orders from distant request consoles)

Techs can deny normal orders, or even withhold them given good reasons.

The QM should be the only one denying orders from other heads however.

Modsuits are free-game when privately ordered.

  • For the following two, (Armory, Security), purchases are not to be given out freely (to non-sec crew) without warden/HoS approval, legally at least. This extends to department guards, who are considered non-security.
  • Armory: Nothing from here, legally at least, barring a security order.
  • Security(Security can order anything from here, with their console, but should get a stamped request sheet if done elsewise from the HoS for anything done through the cargo-requests): Practically nothing here, legally, barring amber alert or above. what the corporate enforcer doesn’t know, doesn’t hurt them.
  • Engine construction (Engineering-crew permitted for everything, with CE stamp): No SM Shards without CE permission, or at the minimum the QM’s.
  • Canisters & Materials (anyone can order mats, canisters with ‘dangerous’ gasses (think N2O, Plasma) require atmostech/scientist permission.):
  • Medical: (The Virus Crate, which requires CMO approval!)
  • Science (Requires Science/RD permission: Securitron/ED209 parts require HoS/Warden Permission, ‘legally’)
  • Costumes & Toys: Burning the virgin-mary card from the cosa nostra and picking a title does not make you an antag, no matter how goofy you make your name.


Lavaland Rules of Engagement

It’s in the best interest of both parties to avoid all-out combat, especially with the solar-federation on such short notice, and with neither party being an official ‘government’, just about anything above detaining could trigger an investigation, and worse yet, the seizure of lavaland.

You can /try/ to rob or otherwise ‘loot’ an Interdyne operative, assuming you aren’t just outright killing them, and not making a habit of doing it constantly. So as to avoid escalating it to all-out-warfare, but also doing so while leaving as little chance for ‘retaliation’ as possible, it wouldn’t be smart to rob a group of six with just your crusher. In the same vein, you should avoid traveling alone, and always have a plan to get out quickly if things go sour.

Interdyne should favor the non-lethal approach, preferably under the guise of another corporation(Gorlex, Donk),

And generally, only Attack/’Confiscate’ items from a miner if it’s a direct benefit to themselves, and a reasonable ‘blow’ to nanotrasen, and shouldn’t be done back to back as to avoid a security response.

As for loot, keep blatant weapons under-wraps, they’re still against corp-regs station side, and most importantly, hide any magical ‘artifacts’ you find, security can, and more then likely will seize them if you get seen with it.

This applies doubly so for the colossus crystal without express captain approval, to the degree of being considered sabotage until proven elsewise

Mail complaints to #policy-talk, and ping Junglerat

Special thanks to:

Dragonfruits: for helping with the initial draft

Aether: for actually reading it, FR.

Nova Sector policies