
From Nova Sector 13
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Superiors: Captain
Difficulty: wiki
Guides: Hacking
Access: winrar
Duties: doody
Minimum requirements: do things
Minimum Chronological Age: Not defined

Security roles
Command Policy

As a member of command, you are held to a higher roleplay standard. As such, instances of LRP and violations of the character guidelines will be treated more severely.

General guidelines for all command positions are as follows:

  • You should be competent with your department and aware of its relevant policy.
  • Command equipment and clothing is to only be given as necessitated.
  • Access should not be given out for frivolous reasons.
  • Do not change your job title outside of the titles provided.
  • Access changes are not to be used to promote players to veteran-only roles.

Grounds for Demotion

The following are grounds for demotion:

  • Repeat breaches of relevant departmental policy.
  • Recklessly endangering the crew through an active decision.
  • Multiple minor or major misdemeanors. Minor Felonies and Higher.
  • Long term abandonment of your job, without clocking out. (Dereliction)
  • Refusal of reasonable orders.
  • Usage of equipment or expertise related to their job to commit a crime.

Who Can Demote?

  • All heads can demote subordinates within their own department. In the absence of a Head of Staff, the Captain may demote a member of the department.
  • The captain has the power to demote a head.

Acting Captain

  • For information regarding the acting Captain position, check the Captain job page.
Cargo Policy

Department Standards: The Quartermaster can lay out additional standards for the department, within reason.

  • Orders, legal or illegal are an IC issue, unless breaking another rule. (see: cargo setting up their own SM.)
  • The Cargo/Supply department are not formal employees of NT, they are temporary-contractors from the FTU, filling in for the Cargo Department.
  • As cargo, you shouldn't be refusing orders without a justifying IC reason.
  • Cargo is still under Corporate Regulations while on NT Property.
Command Policy

As a member of command, you are held to a higher roleplay standard. As such, instances of LRP and violations of the character guidelines will be treated more severely.

General guidelines for all command positions are as follows:

  • You should be competent with your department and aware of its relevant policy.
  • Command equipment and clothing is to only be given as necessitated.
  • Access should not be given out for frivolous reasons.
  • Do not change your job title outside of the titles provided.
  • Access changes are not to be used to promote players to veteran-only roles.
Medical Policy

Department Standards: The CMO can lay out additional standards for the department, within reason.

  • Revival should only take place outside of medical under emergency conditions where transport to medical or a medical site is infeasible. Revivals should take place in sites designated by the CMO or Station Blueprints.
  • Except with admin permission, only beneficial viruses may be produced and intentionally released. Viruses should be clearly-labeled (ex. with symptoms, cures, and slime-safeness). Airborne/touch-spread viruses may only be released with the Chief Medical Officer, Captain, or Acting Captain approval. The virus must not cause harm to specific races or groups if self-spreading.