
From Nova Sector 13
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Superiors: Head of Personnel
Difficulty: Easy
Guides: This is the guide
Access: Janitor's Closet, Maintenance
Duties: Clean up trash and blood. Replace broken lights. Slip people over. USE THE WET FLOOR SIGNS!
Minimum requirements: Replace broken lights. If you are going to wet floors, use wet floor signs.
Minimum Chronological Age: Not defined

Service roles

Your job is to mop up blood, oil, dust and vomit, replace broken or missing light bulbs and tubes, and pick up litter. It's more fun than it sounds!

Custodial Closet
Home sweet home

Stellar Patrol, it's not a job, it's an adventure!

You have the most important time consuming, under appreciated and eventually pointless job on the station. You keep small areas from looking shitty while the areas you've already cleaned are covered with blood and litter again. You'll clean floors, toss out junk, replace broken lights and overall, keep the station resembling a workplace and not an anarchist playground!


Much of this equipment is acquired from your JaniDrobe vendor in your Custodial Closet.
File:Jshoe.png Galoshes that prevent you from slipping on wet floors and items such as bananas and the clown's PDA, but do nothing on space lubed floors
File:Cleaner.png A spray bottle of space cleaner that will sadly run out quickly and need to be replenished by chemistry
File:Grenade.png Three space cleaner foam grenades
File:Bucket.png A bucket for filling your janitorial cart
File:Mop.png A mop for mopping floors
File:Broom.png A broom for sweeping trash
File:Wetfloorsign.png Some wet floor signs
File:Janiprojector.pngA holographic sign projector
File:JaniBioSuit.png A haz-mat suit. Its hood will prevent facehuggers from raping you. Both pieces of it, when used with internals, will stop you catching contact and airborne viruses.
File:WaterTank.png A water tank to fill your janitorial cart from using your bucket
File:LightBox.png Two boxes of light bulbs to refill your light replacer or give to assistants so they can help replace lights
File:Lightreplacer0.png A light replacer used to remove broken light tubes from light fixtures and replace them with new ones with one click. Use in hand while standing under a fixture with broken light to automatically replace it.
File:Trashbag.png A trash bag. Equippable in the exosuit slot of bio-suits File:BioSuit.png. Use it on tiny or small items to pick them up. Use on a disposal bin to empty. You can also store this in your Janicart File:Janicart.png. Must un-buckle and interact with the Janicart to take it off.
File:MousetrapBox.png A box of mousetraps to kill mice that never leave maintenance without assistanceFile:Mousetrap.png
File:Bear trap.png Two bear traps for trapping Space Bears or your colleagues
File:Paint violet.png Some paint remover for cleaning up graffiti and floor stains
File:Janitorial Cart.png A janitorial cart which holds a mop bucket, four signs, mop, spray bottle, trash bag and light replacer
File:Janibelt.png A janibelt, a belt that can hold many of your standard issue items.
File:Janicart.png The janicart, a PIMPIN' RIDE. The key spawns nearby. Drag yourself onto the cart to ride, then insert key into it to be able to start moving. You can remove the key by alt-clicking the janicart. To unbuckle from the vehicle, click the janicart or press B "resist".

Most important, you have your purple soft cap to signify your duty to the station who to lynch when the Clown is wetting floors.

Wet Floor Signs

Drop warning signs where you mop. People get pissed when you don't. You don't have enough to cover every area you clean and between lag and every player running everywhere they're usually not spotted until people are already on their backs, but they can't blame you for doing what you can!

Shaking up those you slipped maintains favour with the crew. Do this by clicking on them with an empty hand while on help intent File:Intent Help.png. Smugly pointing at one of your signs incurs their ire.

Also, if people are chasing you, throw a bucket of water behind you, or where they will run into it, as they likely want to steal from you (your shoes are valuable). Or fill your spray bottle with a little water to quickly take down huge amounts of people.

People assume if someone slips, it was your doing. This may not be true. Often it was the chemist with space lube, or a clown with a bucket of water. It's possible to differentiate between slipping on a wet floor and slipping on a lubed floor.

Make sure the detective has cleared a scene before you clean up an area of some blood. Follow people dragging bodies to the medical bay; they leave long trails of blood which means more work for you.

People are going to accidentally charge your cart halfway down the hallway. Kind people will get on the other side of it and push it back to you. There's no avoiding this, apart from not using the cart and relying on the space cleaner File:Cleaner.png, or using the mop with buckets of water held on your person. This would require you to carry signs too.

A janitor cyborg is usually a more efficient janitor than you. It can clean floors by just moving onto them. But so can you once you get your floor buffer upgrade.

Cleaning Without Being Lynched

Your janitorial cart can hold up to 100 units of liquid. This does not need to be straight water. If you're able to get Chemistry to give you 50 units of ammonia, you can mix it with 50 units of water. Congratulations! You just created 100 units of Space Cleaner. Mopping the floor with Space Cleaner does not leave it slippery. People might still assume that if you're mopping without the signs that you're creating a safety hazard, so make sure to correct them BEFORE they choke you to death.

The bars of soap are a great cleaning implement on the station. They don't leave slippery puddles behind, and they're good for getting those hard-to-reach places (like that vomit under the surgery table) that cleaning grenades can't. Your bar of Nanotrasen brand soap is limited to 300 uses.

Remember that your bottle of Space Cleaner File:Cleaner.png can clean tiles instantly as well. If you aim far enough from your position, you can clean up to five tiles in a single spray. Useful to quickly clean up your evidence.

By right-clicking on the spray bottle, you can tip the contents out of it.

You can clean bloody people by spraying them with your Space Cleaner File:Cleaner.png.

Spray people with space cleaner if they are covered in blood around their head and chest (but not if they have bloody gloves). This usually makes people happy, as security officers won't hound them as much. Sometimes the station needs a hero though, all you need to do is mop the right floor, or spray water at the right time to stop the worst fiend humanity has ever known.

Advanced Sanitation Gear

Once science has researched Advanced Sanitation Technology, you will be able to print a few advanced sanitation items from the service techfab.


  • Your PDA has a Custodial Locator. Use this to locate your janitorial cart File:Janitorial Cart.png or mop File:Mop.png. This can also help you find your Custodial Closet, since that's where those items spawn.
  • Your ID has access to the settings of cleanbots File:Cleanbot.gif. Click a cleanbot with your ID to unlock it. You can then click the robot to alter its settings and turn it on or off.
  • Instead of refilling the Light Replacer File:Lightreplacer0.png with light tubes/bulbs, you can refill it with glass sheets File:Glass.png.
  • Lost your galoshes? Need more default Cleaner Grenades or buckets? Cargo can order a Janitorial Cart and Galoshes Crate and a Janitorial Supply crate, if you ask nicely.
  • Clicking a spray bottle while it's in your hand actually changes the pressure knob to use less of the content when sprayed. (Alternates between 2 and 5)
    • Right-Clicking on a spray bottle gives you the option to empty it.
  • Learn how to mix space cleaner. This will make refilling your space cleaner bottle easier for when the chemist can't be bothered.
  • Chemistry can make drying agent. If splashed on your galoshes File:Jshoe.png with right click, they will be transformed into purple absorbent galoshes, which still prevents you from slipping while also drying floor tiles you walk on.
  • Xenobiology can create speed potions. Use these on your galoshes File:Jshoe.png and/or janicart File:Janicart.png to make them faster
Jobs on Nova Sector Station