
From Nova Sector 13
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Superiors: Sheep
Difficulty: Medium
Guides: This page.
Access: Everywhere
Duties: Beat up the other Highlanders
Minimum requirements: Not defined
Minimum Chronological Age: Not defined


Department head:
No one!
Special roles


Highlanders were developed in the olden days of /tg/station (about 2010) as a meme-ish admin button to turn everyone into an antag and have them fight for the nuclear authentication disk traitor deathmatch like. Since then, it's received a few different tweaks to make it more unique than "take one hit and then die because slowdown makes you a bigger target than a golden ID."


You have two goals:

  • Get dat fukken disk.
  • Escape alone on the shuttle.

When the highlander button is pressed, every single living person on the station will be given these same goals and outfitted with the equipment listed in the following section. This means you will be competing with the entire station for the disk. Latejoins are also given highlander gear, so don't expect a free pass.


Captain's Headset
Combat Boots
Nuclear Authentication Disk Pinpointer

The Scotsman's Claymore & You

Your claymore is way fancier than the Chaplain's. It's the essential lifeblood of a Scot during highlander, and it'll make sure you don't die in a dumb way. For one, it does 40 brute damage per hit. It also has the following attributes:

  • Prevents you from being slowed down, through damage or otherwise. You'll move at full speed until you're bleeding out.
  • Halts any bleeding from blood loss, but not critical condition.
  • Gives you stun immunity while active.
  • Bumps up your layer so you can't hide under anything.
  • Prevents you from holding anything in your other hand.
  • Can be used in-hand to point towards the nearest combatant.
  • Allows you to pick up the nuke disk by hitting it. This is the only way you can pick it up, due to the point above this one.

When hitting a dead contender with your claymore, a few things will happen: for one, their body will immediately be dusted into bones and ash. If they were holding the nuclear authentication disk, it will be left on top of their remains. You will also be fully healed of all damage, keeping you in the fight and recovering any damage you took during the battle.

Killing someone will also add a notch to your claymore to count how many kills you have. Fancy. For every notch, your claymore gains one point of damage, meaning after ten kills it downs in two hits instead of three. Once you reach ten notches, your claymore will gain a special appearance and an all-caps name change to something fitting like GORE-DRENCHED CLAYMORE OF A THOUSAND SLAUGHTERED CATTLE.

Jobs on Nova Sector Station