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Sol Federation

Other Names: SolFed
Related Lore: Lore:Space, Lore:Sol
Languages: Sol CommonAnd when contact was established, the Admiral waved at the screen and said, "Mi parolas la lingvon de la Homines!" - I speak the language of Mankind. A simplified mix of Esperanto and Modern Latin, and the only recognized official language of the Sol Federation. This peculiar constructed language became popular during SolFed's earliest days, and was almost entirely overtaken by other popular tongues - it became widespread through heavy-handed political maneuvering with the help of corporate bureaucrats and other undesirables. Nowadays, it's a near-universal tongue and a must-know for any sentient being that plans to leap forward into space.
Contributors: OwegnoOwegno.

The Sol Federation, commonly SolFed, is an international organization centered around preventing conflict between and providing mutual aid to its member states. Physically spanning a large region of space in and beyond the Orion arm, and culturally spanning a diverse population of both human-derived and alien nations, SolFed maintains that each member state is a fully independent nation, restricted only by the laws set forth by the ever-changing SolFed charter.


SolFed was founded in 2212 in response to prolonged hostilities in Sol, suddenly concluded by the arrival of a damaged ship from the Grand Mothic Fleet. SolFed's history is characterized by its cycle of rapid expansion and lengthy consolidation, a fertile foundation for the steady rot of SolFed's idealized unity.

First Migration

The First Great Interstellar Migration followed almost immediately after SolFed's founding, as Mothic aid propelled human engineering teams to fabricate replicable designs for practical bluespace drives. By the late 2250s, SolFed would reach the limits of existing spacefaring technology and so settle into consolidating their hastily expanded borders. This drove a major upheaval in SolFed, as several now-mature extrasolar colonies found their inhabitants exploring "options" for self-rule. These internal revolutions and civil conflicts plaguing a good number of SolFed's members brought an overt end to the only period of internal unity SolFed would ever enjoy. Regional ideologies settled into two main camps in their reaction to the epidemic of uprisings: Self-deterministsSupporting an individual colony's right to splinter from their superseding state and enter into SolFed independently. and CentralistsBelieve that diluting a population's voting power across multiple representatives is more damaging to their aims than internal compromise, and use that belief to justify retaining dissenting colonies at any cost..

The ideological conflict smoldered for decades, never sparking a hot war, eventually fading into confusion as finer lines erode at what little cohesion the two stances held. While SolFed would step in to hamper the greater atrocities in any particular revolution, SolFed as a whole sat back and let the civil disputes settle themselves until the resulting independent members could agree on SolFed membership. This disparity in aid and alleged favoritism led to some members forming side alliances for mutual interest, forming the prototype for Cliques of the modern era. Thus, SolFed remained intact in name, now acting as little more than the political battleground for self-interested Cliques to fight.

Second Migration

The 2320s saw new paradigms in starship design, greatly increasing the range and speed of bluespace travel. Fewer records of this period exist than the First Great Migration, as significantly more interests rapidly surged forth to settle new stars, far more than SolFed could track, let alone police. The lawless expansion thrived in the chaos, breeding numerous disputes and minor conflicts. While SolFed's frantic scrambling managed to prevent overt, direct wars between member states, lesser disputes and subterfuge dominated galactic norms until the late 2460s, as member borders once again grew too large to meaningfully defend, physically or ideologically.

In this period of toothless migration, approximately 2470, outright war breaks out between SolFed and Tizira as Tizirans attack several corewardCloser to the center of the Milky Way, not closer to the center of SolFed. South-east, if space were two-dimensional. SolFed member states. The realities of actual war further inflame SolFed's infighting, sparking new rivalries and irritating existing ones, even with the live conflicts isolated to a small stretch of borders.

Today, SolFed strains and buckles between the rivalries of conflicting Cliques, and the festering cracks and blooming rot are becoming harder to hide. SolFed's long-term viability grows increasingly in doubt, stagnation and self-interest the paints to an increasingly bleak picture.


SolFed is controlled by the Federal Assembly (SFFA), a forum of representatives from each member state of the Federation. Each member chooses their own representatives with no standardized process, ranging from elections to nepotism. The voting power of each representative reflects the population of the member they represent, statistically normalized through archaic processes. The Federal Assembly has complete power over the Federation, dictating its laws and interpretations, funding and guiding various federal agencies, and enacting treaties between the Federation as a whole and external governments.

The Federal Assembly acts more as a performative stage for the various Cliques, groups of member states in formal or informal alliances, to dictate votes and measures. The exact nature of each Clique varies, but they tend to represent the interests and ideology uniting the various member states of the Clique. As no single Clique holds a strong monopoly on the power to pursue any sort of agenda within the Assembly, even the most straightforward of proposals are bogged down under compromises, bribes, and attempts to poach or sway individual members.


The Federal Assembly extends authority to numerous departments of the Federal Government, each tasked with the day-to-day handling of federal affairs, with both funding and direction set forth by laws. Notable departments include:

  • The Sol Federation MarshalsProtect the frontiers of SolFed from local threats and assist member states with pursuing criminals outside of their borders.
  • The Bureau of Space FlightThe BOSF determines space traffic rules and regulations, maximum docking fees, and issues federal starship licenses.
  • The Bureau of PeopleTracks the population of SolFed through endless censuses, and ensures that their basic rights are not infringed.
  • The Sol Federation Armed ForcesBroad department encompassing any form of multi-member organized force against threats both domestic and foreign.
  • The Bureau of AstrographyWorks tirelessly to collate vast amounts of publicly available exploration data, combining it together into one of the most expansive starmaps in existence.

Federal Laws

SolFed's laws over her member states routinely change and evolve, so while the specifics may vary depending on the year, a small number of universally agreed upon ideals continue to reign:

  • Freedom of navigation for all non-military spacecraft.
  • A complete ban of slavery, and any other form of forced labor.
  • No member state may wage war against, or in any other way attack, another member state.
  • Protection for any sort of ecosystem hosting complex lifeforms.
  • SolFed is funded through taxes collected from the member states directly, as opposed to direct individual collection.


While technically just informal bodies of like-minded voters, the various Cliques are the driving force of SolFed politics. Formal and informal alliances, rallied around common issues, weave together as almost a bureaucratic necessity when faced with the impossible scale of the thousands of legal proposals daily across easily as many individually voting members. While a Clique can exist at any scale, the difficulty of organizing unique cultures to agree upon common ground gives way to a universal law: The bigger the clique, the broader its aims. To that end, the most notable Cliques have simple missions and goals, and can be summarized in only a few paragraphs.

Notable Cliques coming soon.

Member States

SolFed's member states vary highly in both size and demographic, as what few restrictions on member entry exist are often bypassed as part of backroom deals between Cliques. Every member must abide by the Federation's laws, but for any arbitrary pair of member states, that may be the sole commonality. Thus, the exact culture of SolFed is transient at best, non-existent at worst, and varies strongly from region to region.

Notable member states coming soon.

Work in Progress: Footer subject to change at a moment's notice. Do not take a red link's presence, struck-through or otherwise, as confirmation (or denial) of their canonicity.

Nova Sector Lore

Common Species Humans, Tiziran, Unathi, Moths, Ethereals, Azulae, Slime Hybrids, Teshari, Synthetic Humanoids (and assorted robots), Pod Persons
Other Species Genemodders (Felinids, Ice Walkers, Dwarf), Ashwalkers, Hemophages, Snailpersons, Ordoht (Formerly Skrell), Plasmamen, Flypeople, Vox (Primalis et al), Tajaran, Vulpkanin, Xenomorphic Hybrid, Rouges (Abductorkin), Miscellaneous Species
Nanotrasen Nanotrasen, Central Command, Emergency Response Corps
External Groups The Syndicate, Interdyne Pharmaceutics, DS-2, Cargo, The Spider Clan
Nova The Nova Sector, Indecipheres, Freyja
Concepts Bluespace, Plasma, Faster Than Light Travel, Resonance ("Souls"), Death
SolFed SolFed, Earth in 2565, The SolFed Armed Forces, The SolFed International Capital District