Guide to Xenoarchaeology
Xenoarchaeology is a special module available on Nova Sector that allows you to uncover all of those Strange rocks you find when mining.
The Slow way to do Xenoarch
Your hammers allow you to extract the contents of Strange rocks, little by little. Once you reach the center, you can use your brush to extract the relic, or fossilized item inside. Fossilized items can be recovered with a handheld recoverer. All of them are printable at cargo or science protolathes.
The Fast way to do Xenoarch
As with most things on station, automation is the best way to do Xenoarch. Set up one or two xenoarch digger machines (Requires a cheap reseach) and put the strange rocks into them to dig them out while you search for more rocks. The rewards are weighted heavily towards useless junk, so more rocks is always better.
Loot tables
For whatever reason, rewards are divived into 3 tiers, of which tier 1 is the most common.
Tier | Chance |
1 | 69% |
2 | 28% |
3 | 3% |
Tier 1
Item | Description | Spawn weight |
Useless Relic | Sellable at cargo, or reseachable for tech points. | 5 |
Watcher Sinew | Useful in primitive crafting. | 1 |
Goliath Hide | The strong hide of a Goliath. Miners will love this. | 1 |
1 Bone | Useful in primitive crafting. | 1 |
Regenerative core | Temporaily heals you, but will lose power if not used. | 1 |
Candle | Primitive light source | 1 |
Empty Chips | Trash | 1 |
Empty Raisins | Trash | 1 |
Empty Cheesie | Trash | 1 |
Empty Candy | Trash | 1 |
Tier 2
Item | Description | Spawn weight |
Broken Tech item | A Fossilized high-tech item. RCDs, RPDs, even Megaphones.
Raw item list
/obj/item/pipe_dispenser = 1,
1 |
Broken Plant item | Contains plants exclusive to xenoarch! Questionable usefullness, but guaranteed novelty. | 1 |
Broken Clothing item | A Fossilized clothing item.
Raw item list
/obj/item/clothing/gloves/military/ashwalk = 1,
1 |
Broken Animal item | Contains a random item from lavaland fauna.
Raw item list
/obj/item/stack/sheet/sinew = 1,
1 |
Useless Relic | Sellable at cargo, or reseachable for tech points. | 3 |
Tier 3
Item | Description | Spawn weight |
Broken weapon item | Contains either a random tribal weapon, or rarely a pistol or Rapid Syringe gun
Raw item list
/obj/item/spear/bonespear = 6,
3 |
Broken Illegal item | Contains either a Telecrystal, the RnD boards box, or a spaceloot tech disk. | 1 |
Broken Alien item | Contains either a alien surgical or construction tool. | 1 |
10,000 credits | Money! | 1 |
- Guide to AI Modules
- Critters (Game controlled beings)
- Guide to Races
- Guide to Food and Drinks
- Guide to Drinks
- Guide to food
- Guide to Hydroponics
- Guide to Playing Music
- Guide to Paperwork
- Random Events
- List of Supply Crates
- Makeshift Weapons
- Cargo Policy
- Guide to Space Exploration
- Guide to Smithing and Reagent Forging