Ghost Role policy
Important Information
Company Locations
Interdyne | DS2 |
Interdyne (obviously) | Donk |
Waffle | |
MI13 | |
Tiger Coop | |
Self | |
ARC | |
Gorlex | |
Cybersun |
Interdyne Info
Interdyne Pharmaceuticals
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Important Rulings:
It’s in the best interest of all parties to avoid all-out combat, especially with the Sol Federation on such short notice, and with no parties being an official ‘government entity.’ The above applies to stationcrew, but in reverse, you can /try/ to rob or otherwise ‘loot’ an Interdyne operative, but it shouldn’t be done constantly, or lethally to avoid an all-out war with them. What you can do:
What you cannot do:
DeepSpace2 Info
Syndicate Space Base, Deep Space 2
(Press Expand for roleplaying info.)
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Important Rulings:
What you can do:
What you cannot do:
(Station side antags are not to go looking for Interdyne/The Syndicate) (Station crew should have no idea DS2 exists, or what it is if encountered.) For station crew: OPFOR before breaking into DS2 to announce intent, so staff can be sure you aren’t just raiding an empty base 5 minutes into a round | |||
COMMS AGENT : Follows standard DS2 rules |
Above-Board Corporations
General Rulings:
You shouldn't involve yourself with antags, or general security situations, not your dog, not your fight. Avoid full out abandoning your 'base.' |
Freighter Crew:Chain of Command: Freighter Chief: Director of operations, like your own personal Captain, with a much smaller crew. Freighter crewman/Excavator: Below the FC, he’s your boss, you don’t get paid if you piss off your boss, do you? Guidelines:
Charlie Station / Port Tarkon:
For station crew: You can freely interact with Tarkon, but, try to avoid instantly taking them back to the station. In regards to the syndicate: They are unaware of the Syndicate’s existence and their current standing with NT. |
Isolated Roles
General Rulings:
These are rules that aren't inherently hostile to the station, and generally, shouldn't be trying to pick fights. |
For station crew: Avoid raiding the golem ship, and do not purchase the omnilathe board, yes we’re aware you can buy it, that does not mean it’s allowed. |
Pod Person:You’re a plantman, grow stuff, sell it off for stuff you need, smoke weed. For the stationcrew: Don’t take the gatfruit, don't steal their tools, not even the combat gloves. |
Blackmarket Dealer:
Lavaland Hermit:
Tribal Roles
General Rulings:
You shouldn't start playing your tribal chars as other ghostroles/Station Crew unless you intend for them to stay that way. OPFOR is required for escalation without previous build up, think attacking the mining base at 15m in before seeing a miner at all. If your camp's being attacked, being bombed, or elsewise, actively harmed or invaded, you can defend it, this does mean you shouldn't be going around instigating fights for the sake of claiming 'defense' later. | |||||
Opfor Required Actions:
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Ashwalkers:(Roleplaying info TBD)
Ashwalkers have been away from advanced technology long enough, it should be almost alien if not magical to them, and even when made aware of it, stuff like the shuttle console is well outside their means of understanding. | |||||
IceWalkers:(Click expand for Roleplaying Info)
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'Third Parties'