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Latest revision as of 04:13, 18 January 2024

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Department head:
Chief Engineer
Engineering roles

Machine Construction Steps

  1. File:Machine Frame.png Build a machine frame from your 5 metal sheets.
  2. File:Wired Frame.png Add wires.
  3. Wrench it.
  4. File:Circuitboard.pngFile:Circuit Frame.png Add a circuitboard.
  5. Examine the machine frame and it will tell you what items you need now.
  6. When all the parts are added, screwdriver the machine frame to finish it.

Upgrading Machines

See here how to upgrade machines so they work faster, have bigger storage size and save more materials.

Linking Machines

Certain machines need to be linked to other machines or computers in order to work properly. There's different methods for different machines:

  • Telecommunications machines, Quantum Pad, Mech Bay Power Port and some others: Using a multitool to download and upload data to link two devices which can sometimes require to open the machine's panel with a screwdriver first.
  • R&D machines, Turbine, DNA Scanner: Interacting with a console to find nearby machines.



Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Autolathe Board
1x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator
3x File:Matter bin.pngMatter bins
1x File:Glass.pngGlass
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Produces commonly used items such as tools, equipment, and construction material.

Can be hacked to unlock more designs.

Upgrade effects
  • Better matter bins: the Autolathe can hold more materials.
  • Better manipulator: lowers production costs and production time.

Ore Silo

Parts needed Deconstruction
File:Ore silo active.gif
1x  Ore Silo (Machine Board)
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Stores sheets of materials and shares them with linked machines. Ore Redemption Machines, Techfabs, Protolathes and Circuit Imprinters can be linked to it by first using a multitool on the ore silo, and then using the same multitool on the machine you wish to link it to. By default, the pre-built Ore Silo is already linked to those machines that exist roundstart. Typically found in the Vault.

Clicking the ore silo opens a menu. This menu can be used to unlink machines, and gives you a list of items/materials that have been printed from linked machines, and the area locations of them. Useful if the ORM gets stolen. You can eject/insert materials directly into the silo. If the silo is destroyed, all inserted materials in its linked system will be ejected from it.

Upgrade effects


Ore Redemption Machine

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Ore Redemption Board
1x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator
1x File:Matter bin.pngMatter bin
1x Micro-laser
1x File:Igniter.pngIgniter
1x File:Glass.pngGlass
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Smelts minerals and awards mining points based on the amount smelted. Requires a Mining or Science ID to retrieve minerals. Can be rotated with alt-click when its panel has been opened with a screwdriver. Can be linked to an Ore Silo with a multitool. Linking to an Ore Silo will make it share materials with other linked machines.

Upgrade effects

None. Upgrading ORM was removed in Aug, 2020. Before that you could increase mineral and point gain.


Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Recycler Board
1x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator
1x File:Matter bin.pngMatter bin
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Grinds items into their base materials. If emagged it will also grind mobs, killing them instantly.

Upgrade effects
  • Better matter bin: Increases material storage.
  • Better manipulator: Recovers materials more efficiently (25% per tier).


Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Biogenerator Board
1x File:Matter bin.pngMatter bin
1x Piece of cable
1x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator
1x File:Glass.pngGlass
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Requires a beaker to operate. Can be loaded with plants, that can be ground to generate biomass.

Biomass can in turn be used to produce several organic items such as toolbelts or fertilizer.

Upgrade effects
  • Better matter bin: biogenerator is faster and gives more points.
  • Better manipulator: reduces items costs.

Plant DNA Manipulator

Removed as of April 3rd, 2020.

Parts needed Deconstruction
File:Plant dna manip.gif
1x  Plant DNA Manipulator Board
1x Micro-laser
1x File:Scanning Module.pngScanning module
1x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator
1x File:Glass.pngGlass
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Edits the genes of any seed inserted. Genes can be extracted from seeds, destroying them in the process, saving them on a disk, or they can be inserted on a seed, replacing the seed's own gene at no cost. Can only save a limited amount of potency (50 with base parts), but it has no limits regarding the other genes. You can quick swap disks or seeds out of it by clicking it with a new seed/disk when there is already another seed or disk inside.

Upgrade effects
  • Better components: allows better plant stats to be saved onto disks.
  • Better scanner: Production rate and endurance.
  • Better manipulator: Potency and yield.
  • Better micro-laser: Weed growth rate and vulerability.

Chemical Heater

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Chemical Heater (Machine Board)
1x Micro-laser
1x File:Glass.pngGlass
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

When activated with an inserted beaker, it will heat any chemicals inside until it reaches the target temperature. It will slow down the heating as to not go over the desired temperature; if there is no consequence to overheating a chemical it is usually faster to input a very high temperature to prevent this slowdown.

Upgrade effects
  • Better laser: heats faster.

Chem Dispenser

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Portable Chem Dispenser Board
2x File:Matter bin.pngMatter bin
1x File:Capacitor.pngCapacitor
1x File:Power cell.pngPower cell
1x File:Glass.pngGlass
1x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Dispenses chemicals; the exact same as the ones found in Chemistry.

Upgrade effects
  • Better matter bins: greater power efficiency per unit dispensed.
  • Better capacitor: faster recharging speed.
  • Better power cell: larger maximum power capacity.
  • Better manipulator: unlocks more chemicals.


Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Protolathe Board
2x File:Beaker.pngSmall beakers
2x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulators
2x File:Matter bin.pngMatter bins
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Creates prototypes from various materials. Needs to be linked with an R&D Console to be used. Can be linked to an Ore Silo by first using a multitool on the Ore Silo, and then using the same multitool on the protolathe. Linking to an Ore Silo will make it share materials with other linked machines.

Upgrade effects
  • Better matter bins: protolathe can hold more material.
  • Better manipulators: lower production costs, faster production speed.

Circuit Imprinter

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Circuit Imprinter Board
1x File:Matter bin.pngMatter bin
1x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator
2x File:Beaker.pngSmall beakers
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Creates circuits from glass. Needs to be linked with an R&D Console to be used. Can be linked to an Ore Silo by first using a multitool on the Ore Silo, and then using the same multitool on the circuit imprinter. Linking to an Ore Silo will make it share materials with other linked machines. Circuit Imprinters have departmental varieties, so not every imprinter can print all researched machines.

Upgrade effects
  • Better matter bin: circuit imprinter can hold more materials.
  • Better manipulator: lower production costs.

Cloning Pod

Removed from /tg/station Feb, 2020.

Expand to see removed machine.

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Clone Pod Board
2x Pieces of cable
2x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulators
2x File:Scanning Module.pngScanning modules
1x File:Glass.pngGlass
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Can grow a clone when connected with a DNA Scanner and a Cloning Console. Can be unlocked with a Genetics ID to allow early ejection (available through the right-click menu). If EMPed it has a chance of horribly destroying the clone, but a loss of power will simply eject it.

Upgrade effects
  • Better manipulators: clones grow faster.
  • Better scanning modules: boosts efficiency (full grown clones have less damage, no more risk of harmful mutation,
    chance of random beneficial mutation, cloning pod more resistant to EMPs)

Limb Grower

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Limb Grower Board
2x File:Beaker.pngBeaker
1x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulators
1x File:Glass.pngGlass
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

It grows new limbs using Synthflesh.

Upgrade effects
  • Better manipulator: lower production costs and production time.

Cryogenics Tube

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Cryotube Board
1x Piece of cable
1x File:Matter bin.pngMatter bin
4x File:Glass.pngGlass
  1. Screwdriver
    (use wrench here to rotate the machine)
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Cools down whoever is inside to sub-zero temperatures, and applies any chemical inside the inserted beaker into the patient, usually Cryoxadone, multiplying the amount. It will cause the patient to sleep while active, and won't open by itself if not set on auto-ejection. Cannot be used alone, as it requires a second person to turn on the tube.

You can quickly operate the Cryogenics Tube without opening the menu with a few shortcuts. ALT + left click will toggle the doors, and CTRL + left click will toggle the power.

Upgrade effects
  • Better matter bin: faster cooling of gas and patient body, increased chem multiplier, patient wakes up faster after treatment.

Cyborg Recharging Station

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Cyborg Recharger Board
2x File:Capacitor.pngCapacitors
1x File:Power cell.pngPower cell
1x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator
  1. Unlock the machine
  2. Screwdriver
  3. Wrench
  4. Wirecutters
  5. Crowbar
  6. Wirecutters
  7. Wrench

Recharges cyborgs. Needs to be closed like a locker to work.

Upgrade effects
  • Better capacitors: faster recharge speed.
  • Better power cell: faster recharge speed.
  • Better manipulator: also repairs cyborg while recharging.

Destructive Analyzer

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Destructive Analyser Board
1x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator
1x File:Scanning Module.pngScanning module
1x High-power micro-laser
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Destroys items with research value to gain research levels. See Guide_to_Research_and_Development for more information.

Upgrade effects
  • Better components: increased amount of materials recovered from items.

DNA Scanner

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Cloning Scanner Board 
1x File:Matter bin.pngMatter bin
2x Pieces of cable
1x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator
1x File:Scanning Module.pngScanning module
1x File:Glass.pngGlass
1x High-power micro-laser
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

When linked to a DNA Machine, it will be a vital machine for geneticists. See the Guide to genetics for more information.

Can be locked down by using the console, trapping the patient inside if necessary.

Upgrade effects
  • Better scanning module: Enable scanning autoprocess (phasic or more) and the ability to scan husks.
  • Better matter bin: Decreases cooldown on the "joker" option when pairing genetic sequences.
    • Tier 1: 20 minutes
    • Tier 2: 15 minutes
    • Tier 3: 10 minutes
    • Tier 4: 5 minutes
  • Better manipulator: Improve the accuracy of genetic manipulations (only used when pulsing Unique Identifiers).
  • Better laser: Reduce radiation damages from genetic manipulations (when scrambling genes or pulsing Unique Identifiers).

Exosuit Fabricator

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Exosuit Fabricator Board
1x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator
2x File:Matter bin.pngMatter bins
1x File:Glass.pngGlass
1x High-power micro-laser
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Creates cyborg and mech parts and equipment, along with cybernetic implants once researched. Does not need an R&D Console to be used, but it needs to sync to one to unlock the higher-tier equipment through research.

Upgrade effects
  • Better matter bins: fabricator can hold more materials.
  • Better manipulator: lower production time.
  • Better laser: lower production costs.


Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Freezer/Heater Board 
(Use button on finished machine's UI to switch) 2x File:Matter bin.pngMatter bin 1x Pieces of cable 2x High-power micro-laser 1x File:Glass.pngGlass
  1. Screwdriver
    (use wrench here to rotate the machine)
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Changes the temperature of gases connected through the pipes. Ctrl-click to turn on/off and alt-click to max/min their temperature out.

Upgrade effects
  • Better lasers: Freezer has lower temperatures available/Heater has higher temperatures available.
  • Better matter bins: Faster cooling/heating.


Parts needed Deconstruction
File:Electrolyzer machine.gif
1x  Electrolyzer 
2x File:Electrolite stockpart.gifElectrolites 2x File:Capacitor.pngCapacitors 5x Pieces of cable 1x File:Glass.pngGlass
  1. Screwdriver
    (use wrench here to rotate the machine)
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Machine used for creating hydrogen gas. Requires power cell. Once turned on and with h2o in the air will start converting it to h2 and o2 with the reaction 2H2O -> 2H2 + O2.

Upgrade effects

"Upgrading the parts will increase the amount of converted H2O and the efficiency of the cell".

Gas Turbine Generator

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Power Turbine Board
6x File:Capacitor.pngCapacitors
5x Pieces of cable
  1. Screwdriver
    (use wrench here to rotate the machine)
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench
Upgrade effects
  • Better capacitors: increases the turbine's productivity.

Gas Turbine Compressor

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Power Compressor Board
6x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator
5x Pieces of cable
  1. Screwdriver
    (use wrench here to rotate the machine)
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench
Upgrade effects
  • Better manipulators: increases the turbine's efficiency.

Hydroponics Tray

Parts needed Deconstruction
File:Hydroponics tray.png
1x  Hydroponics Tray Board
2x File:Matter bin.pngMatter bins
1x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator
1x File:Glass.pngGlass
  1. Screwdriver to detach the hoses if needed.

(use wrench to move the machine)

  1. Crowbar
  2. Wirecutters
  3. Wrench

A tray where seeds can be planted to grow. It keeps track of the plant's growth status and health, and will warn you if the nutrition or water levels in its internal tank are too low or if there are pests or weeds threatening the plant.
Ctrl-click it to toggle autogrow mode; a power hungry mode helping with maintaining the plant.
Alt-click it to empty its internal chemical tank.

Upgrade effects
  • Better matter bins: increases amount of chemicals the tray can hold (from default 10 units).
  • Better manipulator: Decreases water/nutrient depletion, weed/pest growth rate and health loss from age/lack of light.

Mech Bay Power Port

Parts needed Deconstruction
File:Recharge Port.gif
1x  Mech Bay Recharger Board
5x File:Capacitor.pngCapacitors
2x Piece of cable
  1. Screwdriver
    (use wrench here to rotate the machine)
    (use multitool here to link with console)
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Automatically recharges mechs in front of it.

Upgrade effects
  • Better capacitors: recharges mechs faster.


Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Microwave Board
2x Pieces of cable
1x Micro-laser
1x File:Matter bin.pngMatter bins
2x File:Glass.pngGlass

(use wrench to move the machine)

  1. File:Cleaner.pngFile:Soap.pngFile:Rag.pngClean /Fix the microwave if needed
  2. Screwdriver
  3. Crowbar
  4. Wirecutters
  5. Wrench

Cooks food and heats reagents.

Upgrade effects
  • Better lasers: Faster cooking, cooked food contains higher amounts of some reagents, and lower risk of microwave getting dirty from cooking unsuitable items.
  • Better matter bins: Can fit more items at a time.


Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Gibber (Machine Board)
1x File:Matter bin.pngMatter bin
1x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench
Lets you gib/butcher humanoids, to turn them into meat and some other byproducts, such as skin. This will destroy all organs. To gib someone,
Hold CTRL and left-click a person with your hand empty. It doesn't matter if
Combat Mode
Toggle with 4 or F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm them if on, or Help them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people.
is on or off. Repeat after a short delay to upgrade grab to aggressive (lvl 2), neck (lvl 3) and strangling (lvl 4).
them and then click the gibber with an empty hand. After a progress bar, that person will be inserted into the gibber. Click the gibber again with an empty hand to turn it on. Without upgrades you can only gib unclothed bodies. They can still be alive though.

Meat produced by the gibber will contain any reagents the inserted body had in its systems when gibbed, with some blacklisted exceptions.

Upgrade effects
  • Better matter bin: Increases number of meat slabs produced.
  • Better manipulator: Reduces gib time. If tier 2 and above it also lets you gib fully clothed people.

Food Processor

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Food Processor (Machine Board) (can be turned into a slime processor board with a screwdriver)
1x File:Matter bin.pngMatter bin
1x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Can process some food items into refined ingredients. Insert an ingredient by clicking the processor with the ingredient in hand. Then click the processor with an empty hand to process inserted food. See the Guide to Food and Drinks for a full list of processable food, and things you can make with the results.

Upgrade effects
  • Better matter bin: Increases number of food items produced.
  • Better manipulator: Reduces processing time.


Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Smartfridge Board
1x File:Matter bin.pngMatter Bin
  1. Screwdriver (use wrench here to move the machine)
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Stores items relative to a job. Using a bag on it will load it with the items inside the bag, which can save time.

Upgrade effects
  • Better matter bins: Greater item capacity. However, know that a smartfridge without upgrades already has a generous capacity of 1500 items.

Types of Smartfridge

To create other types of fridge, such as the chemistry smart storage, use a screwdriver on the Smartfridge Board before installing it.

Smartfridge Board settings:

  • Plant produce: Default smartfridge, stores plant growns and seeds.
  • Food: Stores food items.
  • Drinks: Stores drinks, named 'drink showcase'.
  • Slimes: Stores slime extracts, named 'smart slime extract storage'.
  • Organs: Can store organs. Storing organs will prevent them from decaying. Can store 20 organs per tier of matter bin. Every tier of matter bin beyond the first will make the fridge repair organs, but will not repair completely broken ones.
  • Chems: Stores chemicals, in bottles, beakers, pills, patches, syringes and pill bottles. Will not store empty bottles, beakers or pill bottles. Named 'smart chemical storage'.
  • Viruses: Can store the same items as smart chemical storage, but the fridge is named 'smart virus storage'.
  • Disks: Constructs a disk compartmentalizer (instead of a fridge), able to store disks. Mostly useful for botany.

Dish Drive

Parts needed Deconstruction
File:Dish drive.png
1x  Dish Drive (Machine Board)
1x File:Glass.pngGlass
1x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulators
2x File:Matter bin.pngMatter bin

(Use wrench to move the machine)

  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Automatically sucks in empty plates and drinking glasses within 4 tiles, and beams them to a disposal bin within 7 tiles once per minute. Suction can be toggled by activating the circuit board in hand before construction. Beaming can be toggled by alt-clicking the circuit board. You can click the machine to take an item out of it, and you can insert empty dishes manually by using them on it. Alt-click the machine to manually make it beam its current items to a nearby disposal bin. Also works unwrenched.

Upgrade effects
  • Better matter bins: Decreases power consumption.
  • Better manipulators: Decreases power consumption.

Lipid Extractor

Parts needed Deconstruction
File:Lipid extractor.png
1x  Lipid Extractor (Machine Board)
1x High-power micro-laser
1x Fork
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Sucks fat from fat people while giving them 'useful' tips. Starts sucking fat 2 seconds after entering it. They can leave during the extraction cycle unless the someone toggled the safety hatch by alt-clicking it. The extractor does not take you into starving threshold unless emagged, and only starts sucking when you are more satiated than "well fed". Produces meat as a byproduct.

Upgrade effects
  • Can not be upgraded.

Sheet-meister 2000

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Sheet-meister 2000 (Machine Board)
2x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulators 2x File:Matter bin.pngMatter bin
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Insert slabs of raw meat to produce meat sheets File:Meat sheet.png, a versatile construction material.

Upgrade effects
  • Can not be upgraded.

Roulette Table

File:Roulette menu.png
This is the roulette menu.
Parts needed Deconstruction
File:Roulette wheel spinning.gif
Can not be constructed.
Only available from a special beacon in bar storage.

Can not be deconstructed, but can be hacked.

Start by swiping it with an ID. That ID becomes the "house", where all won bets will be taken from, and all lost bets will be inserted. Once an ID is linked, any ID can be used on the machine to spin the wheel. You can not spin the wheel if the bet would reward more money if won than the house has available. Click the machine to open its menu, where you can bolt it down or place bets.

Only one person can bet at a time/per spin. People can place bets by pressing one the various buttons while wearing an ID with a bank account. Any winnings will be distributed in front of the machine as coins. Theres a 2.7% house favor. Betting on singles gives you 35x payout, and betting on odd, even, red, black 1 to 18 or 19 to 36 gives you 2x payout.

To be able to reset owner and let someone else become the house you must hack the machine.

Upgrade effects
  • Can not be upgraded.

P.A.C.M.A.N.-type Portable Generator

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  P.A.C.M.A.N.-type Generator Board
2x Pieces of cable
1x High-power micro-laser
1x File:Matter bin.pngMatter bin
1x File:Capacitor.pngCapacitor

(use wrench to move the machine)

  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Generates power when loaded with plasma and wrenched down on a cable. Can be tuned to produce more power while consuming plasma faster.

Upgrade effects
  • Better matter bin: holds more plasma sheets.
  • Better capacitor: increase power generation.
  • Better laser: lower plasma sheet consumption rate and heat generation.

S.U.P.E.R.P.A.C.M.A.N.-type portable Generator

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  S.U.P.E.R.P.A.C.M.A.N.-type Generator
2x Pieces of cable
1x High-power micro-laser
1x File:Matter bin.pngMatter bin
1x File:Capacitor.pngCapacitor

(use wrench to move the machine)

  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Like the PACMAN, but uses Uranium and generates more power.

Upgrade effects
  • Better matter bin: holds more uranium sheets.
  • Better capacitor: increase power generation.
  • Better laser: lower uranium sheet consumption rate and heat generation.

M.R.S.P.A.C.M.A.N.-type portable Generator

Removed from /tg/station Aug, 2020.

Expand to see removed machine.

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  MRSPACMAN-type Generator Board
2x Pieces of cable
1x High-power micro-laser
1x File:Matter bin.pngMatter bin
1x File:Capacitor.pngCapacitor

(use wrench to move the machine)

  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Like the PACMAN, but uses Diamonds and generates even more power.

Upgrade effects
  • Better matter bin: holds more diamond sheets.
  • Better capacitor: increase power generation.
  • Better laser: lower diamond sheet consumption rate and heat generation.


Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Protolathe Board
2x File:Beaker.pngSmall beakers
2x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulators
2x File:Matter bin.pngMatter bins
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Creates prototypes from various materials. Needs to be linked with an R&D Console to be used. Protolathes have departmental varieties, so not every protolathe can print all researched items.

Upgrade effects
  • Better matter bins: protolathe can hold more material.
  • Better manipulators: lower production costs, faster production speed.

RnD Server

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  RnD Server Board
2x Pieces of cable
1x File:Scanning Module.pngScanning module
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Produces research points, as long as it is cooled properly.

Upgrade effects
  • Better stock parts: Currently nothing, though less heat generation was intended.

Nanite Machinery

Nanite Chamber

File:Nanite chamber control console menu.png
This is the menu you see if clicking the nanite chamber control console when a nanite-implanted person is inside the connected nanite chamber.
Parts needed Deconstruction
File:Nanite chamber.gif
1x  Nanite Chamber (Machine Board)
2x File:Scanning Module.pngScanning_Module
2x High-power micro-laser
1x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Used for implanting non-synchronised (non-cloud) nanites, as well as modifying options of already implanted nanite swarms. Must be operated by a second person with an adjacent Nanite Chamber Control Console (they link automatically). Click the nanite chamber to open it, click-drag a person to put them into the chamber, and then click the console for a menu. With a subject in the chamber, start by clicking "Implant Nanites". This will implant a nanite swarm in the subject. These nanites will not have any programs yet, so they do nothing except generate nanite volume. To install programs you will need to use a Nanite Cloud Controller File:Nanite cloud controller.gif.
Other options in this machine:
Safety Threshold: See Guide to Nanites.
Lock Chamber: Traps the person inside.
Destroy Nanites: Quickly and cleanly removes a nanite cluster from a person.

Upgrade effects

Better scanner: Able to see more details about nanite programming, like specific codes and timers.

Public Nanite Chamber

Parts needed Deconstruction
File:Nanite chamber.gif
1x  Public Nanite Chamber Board
2x High-power micro-laser
1x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

The public nanite chamber will automatically implant nanites into anyone who enters it, without the need for a second person. The nanites will be synchronised to a cloud and will do nothing unless that cloud has nanite programs installed. Use a multitool on the Public Nanite Chamber circuit board first to choose which backup cloud you want it synced to. If you don't multitool the board it will default to cloud 1. You must install programs on same backup cloud with a Nanite Cloud Controller File:Nanite cloud controller.gif to get functional nanites. Does not need a Nanite Chamber Control Console.

Upgrade effects


Nanite Program Hub

File:Nanite program hub menu medical.png
This is the menu you see after clicking the nanite program hub and then clicking the "Medical Nanites" category. Certain nodes much be researched before the programs become visible here.
Parts needed Deconstruction
File:Nanite program hub.png
1x  Nanite Program Hub (Machine Board)
1x File:Matter bin.pngMatter Bin
1x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

(Deconstruction seems bugged as of Sept 2019)

Insert a nanite program disk, click a nanite program category and click a nanite program to put that program on the disk.

Upgrade effects


Nanite Programmer

File:Nanite programmer menu.png
This is the menu you see when clicking the nanite programmer after inserting a disk containing the "Electromagnetic Resonance" program.
Parts needed Deconstruction
File:Nanite programmer.gif
1x  Nanite Programmer (Machine Board)
2x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator
2x High-power micro-laser
1x File:Scanning Module.pngScanning_Module
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

(Deconstruction seems bugged as of Sept 2019)

Insert a disk with nanite program on it to modify its programming.

Upgrade effects


Lifeform Stasis Unit

Parts needed Deconstruction
File:Stasis bed off.png
1x  Lifeform Stasis Unit (Machine Board)
3x Pieces of cable
1x File:Capacitor.pngCapacitor
1x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench
  5. Screwdriver

Aka "Stasis Beds". Buckle patients to them to put them into stasis. While in stasis they no longer bleed, no longer process reagents or diseases (good or bad), and if dead it freezes their defibrillation timer. Works for surgery and if an operating computer is built within line of sight of it, it will automatically connect to the stasis bed.

Upgrade effects



Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Sleeper Board (can no longer be found or made on station)
1x Piece of cable
1x File:Matter bin.pngMatter bin
1x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator
2x File:Glass.pngGlass
  1. Close the sleeper
  2. Screwdriver
  3. Crowbar
  4. Wirecutters
  5. Wrench

Synthesizes and injects chemicals into patients. The chemicals are unlimited, but unless upgraded can't go above a certain limit per body. If the patient is in critical status, it will only be able to inject Epinephrine.

How to use:

  1. Ensure the sleeper is open. If it's not, open it.
  2. Pull the patient near the sleeper.
  3. Click and hold on the patient, move the cursor to the sleeper, then release. This puts the patient inside.
  4. Click on the sleeper to open the menu.
  5. Inject chemicals they need.
  6. Open the sleeper and remove the patient.

Available chemicals:

Nano manipulator adds:

Pico manipulator also adds:

Femto manipulator adds:

Upgrade effects
  • Better matter bins allow the sleeper to treat more heavily damaged patients, up to a limit of -75% health.
  • Better manipulators unlock a larger selection of chemicals (see above).

Medical Kiosk

Parts needed Deconstruction
File:Medical kiosk active.gif
1x  Medical Kiosk (Machine Board)
1x File:Scanning Module.pngScanning module
1x File:Health analyzer.gif Health analyzer

(Use wrench to move the machine)

  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench
  5. Screwdriver

Serves as a standalone version of the Health analyzer File:Health analyzer.gif. Using it and paying the price (which goes to the medical budget) will give you a basic medical readout, showing brute/burn/toxins/suffocation damage, as well as medical status (Almost always going to say "You're alive."), and if you have some kind of detectable illness. Use a multitool on the Machine Board before construction to set price per use. Alt-click the kiosk to remove a kiosk scanner wand which lets you target another person.

Upgrade effects
  • Better scanning module:
    • At tier 2 or higher the machine will show radiation levels and tell if the patient has any phobias.
    • At tier 3 or higher the machine will also show brain damage, cellular damage and traumas.

Medipen Refiller

Parts needed Deconstruction
File:Medipen refiller.png
1x  Medipen Refiller (Machine Board)
1x File:Matter bin.pngMatter bin
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench
  5. Screwdriver

Can refill certain autoinjectors such as medipens with their exact lists of original contents. Can not be used to fill them with custom reagents. Fill the machine manually or with Plumbing.

Upgrade effects
  • Better matter bin: Increases max volume of reagents in the machine.


Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  SMES Board
1x File:Capacitor.pngCapacitor
5x File:Power cell.pngPower cells
5x Pieces of cable

Building the Terminal: Screwdriver open the SMES, and use 10x Pieces of cable

  1. Screwdriver
    (use wrench here to rotate the machine)
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Stores and distributes large amounts of power.

Upgrade effects
  • Better capacitor: increases the maximum input & output levels.
  • Better power cells: increases the maximum charge.

Radiation Collector

Parts needed Deconstruction
File:Radiation Collector.gif
1x  Radiation Collector Board
5x Pieces of cable
1x File:Matter bin.pngMatter bin
2x File:Reinforced plasma glass sheet1.pngReinforced Plasma Glass
1x File:Capacitor.pngCapacitor
1x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator
  1. Wrench
  2. Crowbar to remove any plasma tank
  3. Screwdriver
  4. Crowbar
  5. Wirecutters
  6. Wrench

Will generate energy when loaded with a File:Plasma tank.png Plasma Tank (filled with Plasma Gas), if anchored and activated near an active Singularity or Supermatter.
Converts the Plasma into Tritium. Can alternatively be used to generate research points instead of power.

Upgrade effects


Tesla Coil

Parts needed Deconstruction
File:Tesla coil.gif
1x  Tesla Coil Board
1x File:Capacitor.pngCapacitor
  1. Wrench
  2. Screwdriver
  3. Crowbar
  4. Wirecutters
  5. Wrench

Converts tesla shocks into usable power. Needs to be placed on a cable to transfer the power. If the wire inside is pulsed, it will emit a tesla shock.

Upgrade effects
  • Better capacitor: Multiplies the generated power and reduces time before the next tesla shock can be absorbed.

Grounding Rod

Parts needed Deconstruction
File:Grounding rod.gif
1x  Grounding Rod Board
1x File:Capacitor.pngCapacitor
  1. Wrench
  2. Screwdriver
  3. Crowbar
  4. Wirecutters
  5. Wrench

Attracts and grounds tesla bolts, preventing anything around it from being hit. Only works when wrenched down.

Upgrade effects


Space Heater

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x Space Heater Board
1x File:Capacitor.pngCapacitor
1x High-power micro-laser
3x Pieces of cable
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Heats the air around it.

Upgrade effects
  • Better laser: Faster cooling/heating.
  • Better capacitor: Better power efficiency and greater heating/cooling range.


Bus Mainframe

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Bus Mainframe Board
1x Piece of cable
2x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulators
1x Hyperwave filters
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench
Upgrade effects


Channel Server

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Telecommunication Server Board
1x Piece of cable
2x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulators
1x Hyperwave filter
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench
Upgrade effects


Processor Unit

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Processor Unit Board
2x Pieces of cable
3x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulators
1x Hyperwave filter
2x File:Subspace treatment disk.pngSubspace treatment disks
1x Subspace analyzer
1x Subspace amplifier
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench
Upgrade effects


Subspace Broadcaster

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Subspace Broadcaster Board
1x Pieces of cable
2x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulators
1x Ansible crystal
1x Hyperwave filter
2x High-power micro-laser
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench
Upgrade effects


Subspace Receiver

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Subspace Receiver Board
2x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulators
1x High-power micro-laser
1x Hyperwave filter
1x Subspace ansible
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench
Upgrade effects


Telecommunication Hub

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Hub Mainframe Board
2x Pieces of cable
2x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulators
2x Hyperwave filters
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench
Upgrade effects


Telecomunication Relay

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Relay Mainframe Board
2x Pieces of cable
2x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulators
2x Hyperwave filters
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench
Upgrade effects


Messaging Server

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Messaging Server (Machine Board)
1x Pieces of cable
2x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulators
2x Hyperwave filters
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

A machine that processes and routes PDA and request console messages. Takes 15 minutes of calibration before it works if newly constructed.
Use a multitool to configure its settings and link it to the (tcommsat) network and hub. If there is no active messaging server, PDA and request console messages won't work.

Upgrade effects


Bluespace Launchpad

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Bluespace Launchpad (Machine Board)
1x Bluespace crystal
1x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro Manipulator
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Must be connected to and operated by a launchpad control console. To connect: Open the launchpad with a screwdriver then use a multitool on it to save it on the buffer. Close it, then go to a launchpad control console and use the multitool on it. The console does not need to be in the same area as the launchpad.

How to use: Use the connected launchpad control console. Click arrow buttons to choose a target tile from the launchpad's perspective (such as 5N, 5E). Click either "launch" to teleport things from the launchpad to the target destination, or click "pull" to teleport things from the target tile to the launchpad. Has a small delay before teleporting. Some things can't be teleported, such as anchored machines.

The targeted tile can be seen by people wearing diagnostic HUD.

Upgrade effects
  • Better manipulator: Increases maximum range by 15 per tier, up to 60.

Quantum Pad

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Quantum Pad Board
1x Bluespace crystal
1x Piece of cable
1x File:Capacitor.pngCapacitor
1x File:Micro Manipulator.pngMicro Manipulator
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Can be linked to another quantum pad to set it as a target: when used, it will transfer everything on top of it to its target pad, after a delay, then goes on cooldown.

To link pads: Open the receiving pad with a screwdriver then use a multitool on it to save it on the buffer. Close it, then go to the sending pad and use the multitool on it without opening it. If you want them linked both ways, repeat the procedure with the opposite pads. You can also save a receiving pad to a Quantum Keycard. Simply use the Quantum Keycard on the receiving pad to save that pad as a custom destination. Then activate another quantum pad with the same keycard and it will activate a teleport to the quantum pad saved to the keycard, instead of to the destination saved to the pad.

Upgrade effects
  • Better capacitor: reduces power cost.
  • Better manipulator: reduces cooldown and chargeup time.

Teleporter Station

Parts needed Deconstruction
File:Teleporter Station.gif
1x  Teleportation Station Board
2x Bluespace crystals
2x File:Capacitor.pngCapacitor
1x File:Glass.pngGlass
  1. Screwdriver
    (Station links to adjacent to hub and console automatically)
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Necessary to operate a Teleporter. Can be linked to other stations with screwdriver+multitool (first station) and then multitool (target station) to enable direct teleportation through Gate Mode. Otherwise it can only target Tracking Beacons. See Teleporter Station for detailed operation instructions.

Upgrade effects
  • Better capacitors: the station can be linked with more teleporter stations.

Teleporter Hub

Parts needed Deconstruction
File:Teleporter Hub.gif
1x  Teleportation Hub Board
3x Bluespace crystals
1x File:Matter bin.pngMatter bin
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Generates a portal to use the Teleporter. Can teleport anything not anchored. See Teleporter Station for detailed operation instructions.

Upgrade effects
  • Better matter bin: lower the risk and severity of accidents. Removes need for calibration.

Bluespace Navigation Gigabeacon

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Bluespace Navigation Gigabeacon (Machine Board)
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

A device that creates a bluespace anchor which allows ships with navigation consoles to jump near it. Can be locked with a multitool or an EMP. A locked gigabeacon can't be jumped to.

Upgrade effects



Parts needed Deconstruction
1x Vendor Board 
(Use screwdriver to select Vendor type)
(DonkSoft vendors require a special board, which requires illegal technology research.)
1x Restocking Unit
(corresponding to the vendor type)
  1. Screwdriver
    (use wrench here to move the machine)
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Vends several items. Can be hacked to unlock more items, and a few vendors also have special premium items.

Upgrade effects


File:Robotics vendor.gifCustom Vendor

A custom vendor is constructed the same way as the other vendors (machine frame -> wire -> wrench -> board -> restocking unit -> screwdriver). You can buy all parts needed from a Vendomat. You can also print a Custom Vendor Refill (restocking unit) from an Autolathe, and use a screwdriver on any vendor board to turn it into a custom vendor board.

How to use a custom vendor:

  1. Use your ID on it to link it to your account and make you the owner.
  2. Click the custom vendor and it will let you set a name and description.
  3. Get a Price Tagger from Autolathe or Vendomat.
  4. Activate the Price Tagger in hand and type a price. Then click any item with it to price that item.
  5. Insert the priced item into the Custom Vendor. Others can now buy that item for that price. The money goes to your account.

More information:

  • As the owner you can dispense the inserted items for free.
  • The vendor is hard to destroy, but not indestructable.
  • When destroyed the custom vendor will explode and spread its contained items all over the place.
  • It can be unanchored and moved by opening its panel with a screwdriver and then using a wrench.


Parts needed
1x  Vend-A-Tray (Machine Board)
1x Card Reader

Lets you put a single item up for display and sale. Must be registered to a person's account before use. Roundstart Vend-a-trays require kitchen or bar access to operate. Has a UI:

Upgrade effects


Scanner Gate

Parts needed
1x  Scanner Gate Board
3x File:Scanning Module.pngScanning module

Scans people passing through it for one of many conditions - their race, if they are carrying guns, if they're diseased or wanted, and so on.
If the criteria is met, it will flash red and sound an alarm.

Upgrade effects


(Organ) Harvester

Parts needed Deconstruction
1x  Harvester Board
4x Micro-laser
  1. Close the harvester
  2. Screwdriver
  3. Crowbar
  4. Wirecutters
  5. Wrench

Harvests all organs and limbs from bodies placed inside. Only works on corpses, unless the safety function is disabled by emagging it.

Upgrade effects

Better micro-laser: Increases the organ harvesting speed.

Skill Station

Parts needed Deconstruction
File:Skill station.gif
1x  Skill Station (Machine Board)
2x File:Matter bin.pngMatter bin
2x Micro-laser
2x File:Scanning Module.pngScanning module
  1. Screwdriver
  2. Crowbar
  3. Wirecutters
  4. Wrench

Used for implanting or replacing Skillchips, if you can get your hands on them.

Upgrade effects
  • Better matter bins: Currently nothing.
  • Better micro-lasers: Currently nothing.
  • Better scanning modules: Currently nothing.
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