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You shouldn't start playing your tribal chars as other ghostroles/Station Crew unless you intend for them to stay that way.
You shouldn't start playing your tribal chars as other ghostroles/Station Crew unless you intend for them to stay that way.

OPFOR is required for acts of aggression or stealing from the mining base, station, or mining base adjacent assets.
OPFOR is required for escalation without previous build up, think attacking the mining base at 15m in before seeing a miner at all.

If your camp's being attacked, being bombed, or elsewise, actively harmed or invaded, you can defend it, this does mean you shouldn't be going around instigating fights for the sake of claiming 'defense' later.
If your camp's being attacked, being bombed, or elsewise, actively harmed or invaded, you can defend it, this does mean you shouldn't be going around instigating fights for the sake of claiming 'defense' later.
|'''<big>Opfor Required Actions:</big>'''
|'''<big>Opfor Required Actions:</big>'''
* Trying to escalate against any other ghostroles
* Acts of combat or sabotage against the station, on icebox, this includes destroying the mining base as it's directly attached, for lavaland, this is anything trying to destroy the shuttles or the station-itself above, if you get up there somehow.
* Acts of combat or sabotage against the station, without there being an immediate risk to oneself or the camp.
* Targeting miners, or 'neutral ghostroles' like interdyne without proper build up.
* Targeting the station, or stealing from it / it's adjacent assets.
* Growling, spamming 'begone outsider,' and pointing at a weapon, do not count as escalation, especially before attacking people.
* Growling, spamming 'begone outsider,' and pointing at a weapon, do not count as escalation, especially before attacking people.
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* Antagonists should be avoiding any attempts to drag the Tribal Roles into conflict without it being part of their opfor, and equally Tribal Roles shouldn't immediately jump on any excuse offered by someone too either.
* Antagonists should be avoiding any attempts to drag the Tribal Roles into conflict without it being part of their opfor, and equally Tribal Roles shouldn't immediately jump on any excuse offered by someone too either.
* '''For the station crew''': Don’t raid the camp when it’s empty/clearly uninhabited, Additionally, even if you are Security, do not start needless conflict with the Icewalkers if it doesn't create roleplay opportunities, and don’t break the cave, hole, or tunnel, whatever they spawn in or it's equipment without escalation.
* '''For the station crew''': Don’t raid the camp when it’s empty/clearly uninhabited, Additionally, even if you are Security, do not start needless conflict with the Icewalkers/Ashwalkers if it doesn't create roleplay opportunities, and don’t break the cave, hole, or tunnel, whatever they spawn in or it's equipment without escalation.
** Both sides shouldn't take the first act of conflict as an excuse to go on a genocide.
** Both sides shouldn't take the first act of conflict as an excuse to go on a genocide.
*'''For Syndicate roles''': Opfor before involving the ashwalkers in any conflict, be it against the station, or elsewise, naturally this implies player-versus-player combat.
*'''For Syndicate roles''': Opfor before involving the ashwalkers in any conflict, be it against the station, or elsewise, naturally this implies player-versus-player combat.

Revision as of 18:58, 29 October 2024

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Important Information


  • For a general rule, don’t rob/destroy/invade empty ghost-roles: This only applies for the first hour.
    • With exception for DS2, where you should opfor before raiding due to the nature of it's existence.
  • No double-dipping characters between any of the following, without having them approved as a 'double agent.'
    • - DS2 | Interdyne | Station. -
  • Ghost roles can only research if the total research points are above 1500.
  • For Antags, you are not to run to Interdyne/DS2 to hide, even if you’ve seen them in-round; without explicit admin permission
  • Ghost roles (except DS2) are allowed to engage in criminal, or elsewise aggressive acts, but as a ghost role you should aim to moderate both the escalation, and the effect whenever possible.
    • REMINDER: LOOC is your friend, and you should make frequent use of it to prevent run-away-escalation.
  • Ghost roles should avoid hogging up large portions of the resources(Megafauna, space ruins, materials, etc) in a round.
  • Ghostroles can opfor normally, but you should keep in mind that due to alot of them having near-restrictionless access to a wide variety of systems, and usually an entirely separate 'base' in space, they're going to be more scrutinized then normal OPFORs.

Company Locations

Interdyne DS2
Interdyne (obviously) Donk
Tiger Coop

Interdyne Info

Interdyne Pharmaceuticals

(Press Expand to see roleplaying info.)

Currently, Interdyne’s standing goal and reason for presence on Lavaland is to provide services for a fee, to just about anyone who'll pay.

This also means they should have strong incentive to not piss off either the Syndicate, or NT.

For Interdyne players, this roughly translates into using your role to provide ‘illicit goods’, or services the station might be trying to clamp down on.

You shouldn’t be trying to directly damage or harm the station/DS2, only providing the means for others to do so.

Chain Of Command:

Deck Officer: Full management authority

Scientists and Miners: Under the deck officer's command, equal outside of that.

Rules of the house:

Defend the base, and maintain a layer of secrecy.

Do not allow outsiders to know the outpost’s purpose, Maintain a consistent story of In-department medical research, and arms production.

Supply materials and general research to the in-company research wing

Interdyne-NT Relations

Interdyne (Public Facing) and NT are not in declared hostilities, and as such, the cover of typical research should be maintained.

Interdyne-Syndicate Relations

Currently, Interdyne is an uneasy middleman between NT and the Syndicate, working to their own benefit, and trying to avoid direct conflicts wherever possible They may sell the bullets, but they also sell the medicine.

Important Rulings:

It’s in the best interest of all parties to avoid all-out combat, especially with the Sol Federation on such short notice, and with no parties being an official ‘government entity.’

The above applies to stationcrew, but in reverse, you can /try/ to rob or otherwise ‘loot’ an Interdyne operative, but it shouldn’t be done constantly, or lethally to avoid an all-out war with them.

What you can do:

  • Go to the station (use the public mining shuttle or elsewise, jetpack to the station from ds2 until you have a shuttle).
  • Trade.
  • Visit other lavaland roles.
  • Visit other space-roles if you end up there.
  • Build in, and around the base.
  • Produce anything you can think to sell, and have the means to make.

What you cannot do:

  • Act like an antag.
  • Start fights with ghost roles for the sake of killing them.
  • Speedrun megafauna.
  • Attack the mining base (without opfor).
  • Permanently imprison people (without ooc consent).
  • Don't head off to explore space, you should keep yourself to Lavaland, DS2, or the NT station.

DeepSpace2 Info

Syndicate Space Base, Deep Space 2

(Press Expand for roleplaying info.)

For the Admiral:

Operation Procedures:

1. Defend the base and maintain its integrity.

2. Patrol local space, and maintain a security perimeter.

3. Act as an emergency fall-back for your ‘allies’ at interdyne, should the worst happen

Chain of Command
  • Admiral: Full Management Authority
  • Master at Arms: Full Brig Authority
  • Security Operatives: Under Admiral and MAA’s command
  • Medical Operatives, Service Members and Engineers: Under the Admiral’s command
  • Standard Operatives: Under anyone’s command
IC - Code of Conduct:

'Do not intentionally harm a fellow agent'

'Do not betray your fellow agents'

'Do not allow yourself, or your fellow agents to be captured, or killed, to the best of your abilities.'

Important Rulings:

What you can do:

  • Fortify or expand the Space Base.
  • Interact with DS2 Z-Level ghost roles and ruins.
  • Kidnap people with explicit OOC consent (via LOOC).

What you cannot do:

  • Leave for another Z-level unless it's to the Interdyne Base.
  • Attack/go to the station without an opfor.
  • Attack/Rob people for simply being near the base.
  • You should not be raiding nearby ghost roles just for being on the z-level.

(Station side antags are not to go looking for Interdyne/The Syndicate)

(Station crew should have no idea DS2 exists, or what it is if encountered.)

For station crew: OPFOR before breaking into DS2 to announce intent, so staff can be sure you aren’t just raiding an empty base 5 minutes into a round

COMMS AGENT : Follows standard DS2 rules

Above-Board Corporations

General Rulings:

You shouldn't involve yourself with antags, or general security situations, not your dog, not your fight.

Avoid full out abandoning your 'base.'

Freighter Crew:

Chain of Command:

Freighter Chief: Director of operations, like your own personal Captain, with a much smaller crew.

Freighter crewman/Excavator: Below the FC, he’s your boss, you don’t get paid if you piss off your boss, do you?


  1. Sell your stock, don't keep everything to yourself, you should be acting as a sketchy merchant.
  2. If a crate is labelled for a specific person/’faction’, try your best to deliver it.
    • Though, this is up to the Chiefs discretion, it is an emergency after all.

For station crew: Don’t raid the ship wordlessly, don’t go directly to the cargo bay, try to engage with the freighter crew, and or barter.

Charlie Station / Port Tarkon:

  • You’ve woken up a bit late to your station in shambles, work to repair it, and figure out what happened.
  • You shouldn't be afraid of heading to nearby stations or outposts to get help, or trade.

For station crew: You can freely interact with Tarkon, but, try to avoid instantly taking them back to the station.

In regards to the syndicate: They are unaware of the Syndicate’s existence and their current standing with NT.

Isolated Roles

General Rulings:

These are rules that aren't inherently hostile to the station, and generally, shouldn't be trying to pick fights.


  • You shouldn't be hostile to other roles or the main-station without just cause.
  • Don’t sell your omnilathe boards, giving away the creator's gift is damaging to his reputation.

For station crew: Avoid raiding the golem ship, and do not purchase the omnilathe board, yes we’re aware you can buy it, that does not mean it’s allowed.

Pod Person:

You’re a plantman, grow stuff, sell it off for stuff you need, smoke weed.

For the stationcrew: Don’t take the gatfruit, don't steal their tools, not even the combat gloves.

Blackmarket Dealer:

  • Go out into space, get contraband to sell on the blackmarket, or at the station directly.
  • You have alot of advantages in space-tiding, so you should limit yourself to give other people a chance to loot around aswell.

Lavaland Hermit:

  • See general rulings.

Tribal Roles

General Rulings:

You shouldn't start playing your tribal chars as other ghostroles/Station Crew unless you intend for them to stay that way.

OPFOR is required for escalation without previous build up, think attacking the mining base at 15m in before seeing a miner at all.

If your camp's being attacked, being bombed, or elsewise, actively harmed or invaded, you can defend it, this does mean you shouldn't be going around instigating fights for the sake of claiming 'defense' later.

Opfor Required Actions:
  • Acts of combat or sabotage against the station, on icebox, this includes destroying the mining base as it's directly attached, for lavaland, this is anything trying to destroy the shuttles or the station-itself above, if you get up there somehow.
  • Targeting miners, or 'neutral ghostroles' like interdyne without proper build up.
  • Growling, spamming 'begone outsider,' and pointing at a weapon, do not count as escalation, especially before attacking people.


(Roleplaying info TBD)

  • Tribals, and worshippers of the necropolis which grants them theoretical immortality, with the catch they have to provide as much as they take.
  • You are under no obligation to guard the other tendrils or the ‘megafauna’, as they offer gifts to those who slay them, indicating the necropolis’ will.
  • Though, you are still free to, if you are using it for resources. They are not by default holy sites to you. They are natural resources, so you may treat them as such.
    • (This is not a pass to grief the mining base, or the other ghostroles for daring to kill a fauna or tendril at any point)

Ashwalkers have been away from advanced technology long enough, it should be almost alien if not magical to them, and even when made aware of it, stuff like the shuttle console is well outside their means of understanding.


(Click expand for Roleplaying Info)

The icewalkers have no official leader, or official power overseeing them.
Icewalkers are gene-modded humans - what this means is they have human characteristics to some degree, be it just human hands, or nearly entirely human except for some ears and a tail.
Icewalker names follow a specific structure. A birth name and optionally, a title.Their birth names still hold resemblance Nordic/Inuit/Northern-Slavic cultures, name such as 'Solveig Helgasdottir,' or 'Bjorn Lukasson,' being examples of the former.
Icewalkers are known to call themselves, 'Hearthkin,' but outsiders have drummed up just about any name you can imagine for them.
Icewalkers are established to trade with outsiders though you are free and encouraged to roleplay being wary of advanced technology and strange items sold by them, but they should keep to the outside of the station as much as possible.
  • Your goal shouldn't aim to be immediately hostile to the station, there isn't an active war between yourself, and Nanotrasen, or really anyone else for that matter.
  • Equally, while you can end up being hostile with the station, or it's crew, you shouldn't be going out of your way to generate the hostilities.

'Third Parties'

  • Antagonists should be avoiding any attempts to drag the Tribal Roles into conflict without it being part of their opfor, and equally Tribal Roles shouldn't immediately jump on any excuse offered by someone too either.
  • For the station crew: Don’t raid the camp when it’s empty/clearly uninhabited, Additionally, even if you are Security, do not start needless conflict with the Icewalkers/Ashwalkers if it doesn't create roleplay opportunities, and don’t break the cave, hole, or tunnel, whatever they spawn in or it's equipment without escalation.
    • Both sides shouldn't take the first act of conflict as an excuse to go on a genocide.
  • For Syndicate roles: Opfor before involving the ashwalkers in any conflict, be it against the station, or elsewise, naturally this implies player-versus-player combat.
Nova Sector policies