Other Names: Greys, Abductors, Ayys, Abductors, the Uttervast |
The Abductors, to the known galaxy, do not officially exist. Stories of Abductions, especially within Colonized Space or even on Space stations, is nothing but nonsense. The stories of Little Green Men or, god forbid, the Greys are something to laugh at. The poor fools who tell these stories are madmen, con artists, or the victims of the former. Of course, there are always curious alien bodies with strange technology Nanotrasen doesn’t talk about too much… in public. Abductors are known on the Frontier, in Nanotrasen stations, but these reports don’t filter back without some spin or misinformation making them less credible. And a hefty NDA keeps most Nanotrasen employees from talking about it.
The Abductors are a known threat, showing up at random, experimenting and vivisecting non-Abductor lifeforms, and vanishing just as mysteriously as they showed up. Despite this, facts about them have come out, their technology, their crashed spaceships, even some of their own species defecting from the Abductors at large. They can’t be hidden anymore, and in the new era of space travel they are a noted threat, and one that you should not take lightly. No one knows their purpose, their plans, their reasons or even their culture. But they all know what they’re capable of.
The Abductors
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Icky Ooky says: "If you are not an Abductor, the information in this section is very unlikely to be known to you." |
All Information under this header is OOC Information! You have no IC reason to know this unless you ARE one!
The Abductors of the Nova Sector actually represent a minority of the population of a much larger empire. This Empire, formally known as the Uttervast Empire, rules not the stars, not the space between them, but the shadows they do not drown in their dreadful light. It is said that the Citizens of the Uttervast have never seen sunlight, and those who do burn in its embrace or go blind the moment it catches their attention. Even those who have had their vision restored refuse to speak of it, and from that paranoia of the reality within a changing galaxy, the Abductors League was established.
The Abductors League was the fifth League of the Uttervast empire, but instead of domestic affairs like the others, they are the only League that works on foreign affairs. The Abductors work tirelessly to understand, simulate, and infiltrate the societies of the Galaxy, and as their reach expands calls for a second league to be established have been heard, and denied, by the Council. The many duties of the Abductors League fall into a few categories; Abduction, Modification, Behavioral Study, Biological Study, Botanical Study, Self-Modification, Adaptation and Contingency Planning.
To further explain the goals of the League, we will only use a sentence for each of the many goals they are given. The League has the duty of abduction, carried out by a team or a singular exceptional operative and this abduction leads to the rest of their work. The Duty of Modification requires the removal of an organ and implantation of a new organ to test its effects on the Primitives. The Duty of Behavioral study is rather self explanatory, but vital due to the very different societal realities of the Primitives. The Duty of Biological study is important as it adds to the slowly growing knowledge base of the Primitives, as their biological needs and desires are VERY different to the average citizen of the Uttervast. The Duty of Botanical study is important because there are no plants within the Uttervast Empire, and understanding them is exceptionally important as it seems the cyclical life cycle of the Primitives starts and ends with this. The Duty of Self-Modification is one of the most hotly debated duties, as it is taking aspects of the Primitives and installing it into Active Duty or Newly Born Citizens, so that they can better be integrated with the primitives should diplomacy prove inevitable. The same can be said for the Duty of Adaptation, but Adaptation is not designed for diplomacy, instead it is part of the Duty of Contingency Planning. The Duty of Contingency Planning involves the creation of plans for extermination of all races, and temporary adaptations to select generations of Warriors to carry out said extermination should it come to it, ideally this generation of Adapted Soldiers would be fit for all worlds and expire upon successful completion of extermination of non-viable species.
Now that we have the duties of the Abductors League down, we have a good idea of their goals and their reasons for doing this. Along with their heavy requirement of Secrecy. Below, I will detail the Uttervast Empire and the Biological nature of these Aliens.
The Uttervast Empire
The Uttervast Empire inhabits the Space around the Milky Way galaxy, their origins long forgotten after the Immortal Emperor and their Council took over the means of reproduction. The Uttervast is split into Five Leagues, with each Citizen belonging to one of these leagues, and the Master of each League being on the Council of the Emperor. These Five Leagues represent political alignment, morals, ethics, and in some cases the laws Citizens are bound to. Requesting transfer to another league is allowed, and expected after one becomes a Citizen.
These five leagues are very simple; The Military League, The Fabrication League, The Creation League, The Control League, the Abductors League.
The Military League Controls all matters Military and are controlled by all the other leagues, The Fabrication League sends them to handle Striking Workers, the Creation League sends them to handle rogue Scientists/Experiments, the Control League sends them to handle dissident populations, and the Abductors League drills them for Contingency Plans.
The Fabrication league handles mass production of all goods, all Equipment, all Ships, all Nutrients, all Citizens, they handle it if it’s done in mass. Their most important duty is the creation of more Citizens, as every Citizen of the Uttervast Empire is a cloned genetic template that is modified and carefully mutated to guarantee future diversity. Though they create the Citizens, they do not have final say on what becomes of them, this belongs to the Creation League.
The Creation League handles all research, study of art, and things that require attentive care. The Creation League handles the newly released Vatgrown soon to be citizens and educate them, teach them, and assign them to a League with probationary status until they come of age and finally become a Citizen. The Creation League is generally well liked, but this bias is only because of the fact that they raise all citizens, were it not for that fact there would be outrage at the hundreds of experimental failures that escape their labs daily. Failures that the control league have to keep an eye on sometimes.
The Control League handles the matters of keeping the population in Control, they monitor all communications and report back to their superior, who reports in triplicate to their superior and so on and so forth. Many of their most mundane concerns are the thoughts accidently placed into new citizens or dissident populations accidentally created by the Creation Leagues work. While this is usually accidental, it is still something they most keep a constant eye on as dissidents breed malcontents. And Malcontents can shatter the Uttervast.
We have already gone over the Abductors League, but another important note is that most transfers come from the Military and Control League, as those Leagues tend to have similar ways of handling things.
Biology of the Aliens
Each Citizen, for the species does not label itself as a species but a part of the Uttervast, is a genderless and long lived creature. Requiring little in the way of sustenance or pleasures, they work tirelessly for the Uttervast and their own personal goals second to that. Their society is exceptionally advanced and single focused, and with the removal of biological sexes, you end up with a species so focused on progress that even the total loss of their history and identity before does not matter to them. Some would say the Citizens of the Uttervast are joyless, but this is wrong. They enjoy deep connections with those in their league and the progress they produce for the Empire. Biologically, they are rather boring. Their simplistic bodies are designed for work, and since they are truly designed, all vestigial and obsolete organs are missing, their metabolism is hyper efficient, and their minds are almost infinitely (as far as organics can go) expansive. Their culture has swings, up and down, but always moving. Some generations, Music is everything and the next it is gone in a second, but the Creation League now records all societal advances that have come after the forming of the Empire, for none but the Immortal Council and Emperor know what was before.
The Alien in Contrast
The Uttervast Empire, being so ancient and having so much developed and a utilitarian society to the maximum, views things… differently. They have always been a homogeneous culture, for one. The fact that they’ve also developed consistently as well in recorded history makes it so they view those who are below them, no matter the accomplishments, as Primitives. This detachment makes it easier for the Council and even the average citizen to justify the atrocities they commit on a daily basis in the name of Science and Protection.
When it comes to the Primitives, the Abductors truly think they know what is better. They are constantly demeaning creations of the Primitives and ignoring the pleas of Captives while they do their work for unknown goals. They do not actively seek to harm them, many of them acting much like a Zookeeper would and some of them even actively maintaining human Habitats for experimentation. This maintenance could be anything as simple as removing a bomb a saboteur placed to stopping a massive solar flare from wiping out an entire station. They do not do it because they care, but because it would hamper their work, many of them having dedicated decades or even centuries to a single station or planet.
When it comes to the study of the Primitives, they try to maintain a professionalism and non-interference code. The subjects are not overly harmed, their possessions are not taken, their minds are usually wiped, and the utmost care is taken to ensure they are in good health and their new organs, if part of that experiment, are secured and compatible. While they do try and keep interference down to a Minimum, sometimes Agents are found and captured, a Scientist suddenly feels bad and releases the subject with memories and a chance to do something, or sometimes an Agent has to end a life to save their own. In times like this, there is a focus on returning to the illusion, they wipe cameras, minds, and records. Though any incident like this is heavily punished, the incidents where there was a willful breach of their work due to sudden moral issues is met with reconstitution. Which is where the individual is taken back to a Vat and turned into basic ingredients to make a new individual.
Rogues and Malcontents
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Icky Ooky says: "This, while not on the mind of every citizen everywhere, is common knowledge and does not need Gray non-blood in your cranium to understand." |
All information beyond this point is IC! You may know it if it fits your Character!
The Uttervast Empire, being so Utter and Vast, has its fair share of dissidents, malcontents, and even rebels. With their most imminent desire being freedom from the oppressive Control League , the idea of escaping into space controlled by primitives is unfortunate, but also their only real choice. Be their escape method pods, hijacked ships, long term stasis coffins, or even experimental teleportation, Rogue Abductors flock to the Orion Spur, a lively sector of the galaxy, in small groups intent on making the best of their new lease of life. Escape however was expected, as many things in the Uttervast are, and with each escaping batch of Citizens, their methods of control and hindrance advance. The first batch of Rogues, now almost certainly deceased by natural causes or Abductor agents securing the Uttervast, recalled almost every detail of their past. The second, developed long term memory loss and forgot most of their lives and duties within the Uttervast, that while easily fixed did not restore their original memories. And the third and beyond seem to have a total loss of memory before their escape, only barely recalling something they can consider a name.
The theories are all over the place, with the Rogues being unable to offer much assistance, but the most prominent theory is that the memory loss is induced by radical elements within the Uttervast Empire itself. The less memories a rogue possesses, the more likely they are to be left alone. To date, no Rogue that has been completely mind wiped has ever been the Victim of an attack that seems to point to Abductors.
New Frontiers, New Faces
While the Rumors of Abductors being blinded by the barest ray of sunlight are just rumors the Rogues prove that they are pretty sensitive to light, more easily burned and quicker to develop vision damage when hit with a Flash or exposed to sudden bright lights. This leads directly to the first step many Rogues take which is to turn to genetic or cybernetic modification. For reasons unknown, their body readily accepts both with exceptional ease. Their genome was mapped fully within weeks, their template structure being easily replicated and even cloned for their first Spurborn to start helping them build a culture. This ease of modification has allowed for ideas that are not genetically encoded or even adaptations that they’ve never evolved over centuries. Sexual characteristics and the repair of several key DNA strands allowed for natural births among their population. Within a year, they were entirely transformed by their time here. Some opt to remain close to their genetic template, but overcompensate with Cybernetics. Some think nothing about them should change, and plan to clone their own children, and continue as they were built.
While most of the Rogues are happy to remain close to their origins, some have gone far beyond. A new era of expression, one that rocked them to their core. Large parts of their adaptive brains seemed to interact with these new identities exceptionally well, but their form was imperfect, even dangerous to some. This created a worry about Genemodding and the future of the Rogues as a culture, but one that was rectified as the Rogues became more of a political entity. When they grew to a level where they had something to offer, unique art forms and their own innate understanding of cloning technology coupled with their sequenced and easily replicated genetic template, they began to trade and interact primarily with the Ordoht. Their understanding of their own biology, combined with the Ordoht’s mastery of genetics, resulted in an explosion of modifications readily available to even newly contacted Rogue populations. Their population began to boom, and they were firmly established as a minor galactic power, with a diverse array of sub-species of the Templates they were given.
With their genetic and cybernetic modifications now at every level of society, and their latent desires for autonomy and freedom, the vast majority of the Rogues formed a meritocratic democracy, offering rights to Aliens and Genetic Mishaps alike. If it was alive, they would be willing to protect. As a political entity, this ideology of personal advancement and equality would cause issues, with some implying their Government, now known as the Rogue Collectives, was more organized than they put on and were working to poach the most capable researchers of their neighbors.
In truth, the Collectives are disorganized. Their territory in space is far flung and with little to no claims behind it, and internal maps are considered more of a suggestion than territory. The construction of a space station is enough to deter their wandering populations from going in a place they obviously aren’t wanted. And while most of the Rogues have fallen to decadence and a lifestyle best described as artistic, there was a small batch that refused this new norm, and wandered either outside of the Rogue’s space, or even sometimes in space that isn’t owned by anyone.
The Rogue’s Rogues
The Rogues that abandoned the Collectives are typically more driven by a desire to research, to understand, and to create. Naturally, many of them find employment with the Ordoht in the fields of bio creation. But most of them find themselves in the employ of various corporations, and almost enjoy the rigidity that it is theorized the Abductors themselves are fond of. But even then, most of them feel the urge to push harder, do more research, learn more and more and fill their expansive yet empty minds with information.
The more artistic and self expressionistic Rogues also have their own Rogues, people who don’t just want to express themselves, but to express themselves to others who are also very different! To join with them, and create art and music and philosophy. Or they just want to lounge around in a different part of the sector. Whatever their wishes are, they are almost certainly as fanciful and flighty as they themselves are.
Work in Progress: Footer subject to change at a moment's notice. Do not take a red link's presence, struck-through or otherwise, as confirmation (or denial) of their canonicity.
Nova Sector Lore | |
Common Species | Humans, Tiziran, Unathi, Moths, Ethereals, Azulae, Slime Hybrids, Teshari, Synthetic Humanoids (and assorted robots), Pod Persons |
Other Species | Genemodders (Felinids, Ice Walkers, Dwarf), Ashwalkers, Hemophages, Snailpersons, Ordoht (Formerly Skrell), Plasmamen, Flypeople, Vox (Primalis et al), Tajaran, Vulpkanin, Xenomorphic Hybrid, Rouges (Abductorkin), Miscellaneous Species |
Nanotrasen | Nanotrasen, Central Command, Emergency Response Corps |
External Groups | The Syndicate, Interdyne Pharmaceutics, DS-2, Cargo, The Spider Clan |
Nova | The Nova Sector, Indecipheres, Freyja |
Concepts | Bluespace, Plasma, Faster Than Light Travel, Resonance ("Souls"), Death |
SolFed | SolFed, Earth in 2565, |