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Free Trade Union Official Operations Memorandum

Bullet points:
  • The Cargo Department are FTU members on contract to fulfill departmental orders.

however, you also aren't required to fulfill anything outside of department orders.

  • Wrapped bounty cubes are at the mercy of Cargo workers, be greedy at your own risk.
  • The QM can overwrite or revoke orders from just about anyone, even the captain, though they shouldn’t expect IC immunity from doing so.
  • Your goal, as a cargo technician/QM is to make Money, and elsewise, keep up a good appearance for the Union.

Keywords: ‘Legally’: Implies anything bought from here will be an IC issue, while within the constraints of powergaming rules, unless stated elsewise.

NT-Merchant Relations, and how they affect you:

NT Operates the station at a baseline, but the cargo department, and it's areas, are yours.

What does this mean for me? (in the tone of a lonely stock associate)

  • While the station can arrest, detain, destroy, or elsewise, merchandise that leaves the department, within the departments doors, sealed packages and the like are considered as 'being held', and thusly, the property of the department, and not any one person.
  • The exception to this; however, is 'departmental orders,' elsewise, known as 'bought from a department console,' which has the funds wired from the appropriate department, and most importantly, are the sole crates /required/ to be delivered, without exception, after-all, they're the reason you're on this tin-can.
  • What about that 'broad range of merchandise' people keep telling me about? Well my friend, should circumstances permit you to access an 'expanded market' from your console, usually, by skilled technician work applied to the board: just know the Union, it's associates, and the Merchants themselves can't and won't confirm or deny allegations for where the items in question came from.

The Budget:

The lifeblood of your department:

  • Spend your money while you have it, because anything in the budget when the shift's over doesn't go to you, or the Union, the money spent from the budget does, so, ideally? Get it gone.
Cargo Policy
  • The Cargo/Supply department are not formal employees of NT, they are temporary-contractors from the FTU, filling in for the Cargo Department.
  • As cargo, you shouldn't be refusing orders without a justifying IC reason.
  • Cargo is still under Corporate Regulations while on NT Property.

Orders: Orders, legal or illegal are an IC issue, unless breaking another rule. (see: cargo setting up their own SM.)