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Other Names: Ashwalkers, ???
Related Pages: Ghost_Role_policy#Ashwalkers:
Related Lore: Lore:Tiziran, Lore:Space
Languages: todo
Contributors: Template:Contributor/Lyralin


See Ghost_Role_policy#Ashwalkers:

Drafted Loredoc

Ashwalkers and You: The De-Facto Document Rough Draft V0.5: Written by – Lyralin, Ashwalker Lore Team Lead.


Hello! If you’re peeking into this document, then you’ve found the current WIP document for Ashwalker lore for the SS13 server: Nova Sector. My name is Lyralin, and in this document I’ll be going through all things Ashwalker. We all know them, those native lizards who roam the lava wastes of planet [REDACTED]. However, for as long as TG and our predecessor server SR has existed, Ashwalker lore has remained undefined. Kept to hushed whispers and in-character roleplay between frequent Ashwalker players here on Nova, but there’s never been an official “this is what it is.” Finally, here in Phase 3 of the lore team’s work, it’s time to bring this beautiful knowledge into a proper document. All the lore written in this document is subject to change, pending feedback from the overall lore team and other lizard enthusiasts. I will be discussing their overall history, their culture, and general roleplay tips for how to get started being a blessed child of The Great Mother.

Warning - Read this!!.
REASON: This document contains mentions of: Blood, Ritualistic Sacrifice, and Death. Do not read if you are easily perturbed by these concepts. Thank you.

The Timeline – A Shroud of Mystery

As a note to the reader, these years will be marked with either rough approximations or simply “???” followed by a title for each section. It utilizes the “Year Zero” of Tiziran society’s Pre-FTL document as its start point. Ashwalker history has extraordinarily little written and maintained in the ‘modern’ age of 2564. Passed down largely by oral tradition, these stories are just that. Stories. I’ll be writing an “Out of Character” base history, and an “In Character” base history (shamans/speakers passing the knowledge down), altering and manipulating things for how Ashwalker society at large would remember it. I know, totally unneeded and unwanted, but these are BELOVED LIZARDS. I do what I want.

History: An Out of Character Look (Part 1/3)

Tiziran Society: The Big Split. Year 0Probably like 2001, we'll think on it. TODO.

Colony ships leave Tizira in droves, the extremist factions splitting off into their own paths. Followers of ‘The Mother’, a new deity whose worship sprang up during the greatest levels of Tiziran internal turmoil, left in search of her blessed embrace.

The big split of lizard kind occurs. Cultural ideologies have drifted apart to the point that ostracization is commonplace, and the more elitist and extreme of each school of thought leave, following their own paths. A group calling themselves “The Children of Atra’Kor,” a sect of Takuhists who rejected the colonizing of Tizira’s moon Atra’Kor, commandeered three colony ships during the turmoil. These ships whose names have been lost to time, fled Tizira towards the edge of the Orion Spur, where Nova Sector stations are situated. Roughly a thousand tizirans across these ships took to the stars, hoping to find their promised home.

“The Mother” is a god/goddess that was spoken of in hushed whispers amongst lizard people. Stated to be a subversive entity that shuns the blessed light of Atra’Asl, the goddess of the Sun, and warps the cool embrace of Atra’Kor, the Goddess of the Moon, into a perverted facsimile of their teachings. The Children of Atra’Kor believed that The Mother spoke with the voice of a worried mother, which sung to them of acceptance, unity, and an everlasting warmth in a time filled with turmoil. A unison that not even The Daysong Way could reach, and an enlightenment of self that Takuhism could only dream of; a way to mold the two into one unified belief.

The Children of Atra’Kor sought to find the source of The Mother’s voice. The core of this believes circled around the concept of a new homeworld, wrapped in the endless lava flows and great storms of ash and stone, capable of growing plants and creatures that boggled the mind and cared for their every need in a brilliant union of life and death. This new homeworld became known as: Eina-Kro’Chek-Ho, The World of Hearths. This desire led to taking a much more primitive approach to the teachings of both schools of thought. Lizards of this doctrine fell to blood sacrifices and scarification rituals that sought to bring about a greater unity through the sharing of blood. Two of the most prominent ones were:

  • “Bloodsharing”: Cutting one’s hands with a knife made of bone and sinew, and either a drinking of each other’s blood, or a pressing of wounds together as a symbol of shared burdens. A ritual that sealed two then-tizirans together as friends.
  • “Sel’tun Ekstunga”: Known more colloquially as “The Scarred Passing,” is a ritual in which a follower of The Children of Atra’kor who suffered from ailments that could not be cured or wished to pass on from life to rest in The Mother’s embrace, were killed via removal of their heart. By removing the source of one’s warmth, they were sent to The Mother’s own embrace to keep them warm. An everlasting embrace in peaceful unity. Afterwards, members who participated in the ritual would scar a part of their body decided upon by the one passing on, as a memory to their life.

Ashwalker Society: “The Long Journey.” Years 0 – 100

“The Long Journey” as it would one day come to be called by Nanotrasen Archaeologists, lasted roughly a century in space. Whereupon they traveled, how they survived the century in space, and where their ships went is a mystery. What little could be found and documented is listed here.

The trio of colony ships, roughly converted into half-generational ships with stolen hydroponics equipment and seeds and necessary equipment, left Tizira’s home system at sublight speeds. Traveling at the then-fastest pace possible, these Lizard outcasts struggled to make ends meet. Unknowing how taxing such a journey would be upon their psyche’s, many of these lizards began to lose their minds.

Forty years passed on before the first star system in their trajectory was reached. The only ship with wreckage recovered by Tizira and NT efforts broke off from the group, seeking to land on the potentially habitable world Tu’Tana IV. Recovered datachips from this era suggest the captain, Peers-The-Depths, believed that The Mother was nothing more than wishful thinking, and that the journey was the death of this group. Mid-communique attempt with Tizira in a distress call, the captain was murdered by the crew of the ship gone insane. With no captain and no able-minded personnel able to fly the ship, it drifted towards the planet, crashing, and exploding on entry. Roughly four hundred lizard lives were lost in the crash.

In the next twenty years, two more major star systems were visited. Neither held the promised world they sought. These systems have not been found, but it is theorized that some left the colony ships to form small colonies on the habitable worlds of each system, though their survival is something unknown.

Roughly Eighty years into the journey, one of the ships was cannibalized for parts and crew, as visits to other star systems and slow accumulation of damage led to a dire decision. This process took roughly half a year to complete, during which key systems were jerry-rigged with what parts the other ship had. All supplies, machines, and spare parts for said machines were brought over, and additional space was built onto the side of the main ship for additional growing zones. This process was cut short as transition of engine materials led to a core meltdown in the cannibalized ship’s engine, forcing an emergency separation that stranded roughly two hundred lizard personnel. Of the thousand lizards who follow The Mother, only four hundred remained.

As the futility of this journey hit even the most stalwart of followers, more and more began to seek Sel’tun Ekstunga to seek The Mother’s embrace, and not a death in the vacuum of space. By the final years of The Long Journey, only a hundred Lizards remained.

As the remaining Tizirans held the failing ship systems together by a hope and a prayer, a strange disease propped up in some of the eldest of the ship upon entry into what would be their fated home system. Flesh-boils began to grow on their scales, pulsing with a strange, rhythmic heartbeat that all shared the same pace across all afflicted. Quarantined to the depths of the ship, the disease progressed, slowly consuming more and more of their bodies. Hallucinogenic chemicals began to be released into the ship’s systems. The only record of what happened was given by a shaman named Mother-Of-Ash, to a researcher named [REDACTED] in the year 2555, which is listed below.

Obvious Placeholder Is Obvious  Mother-Of-Ash, 2555 says:
"The Mother, whom had been sssilent to our brothersss and sssissstersss for many cyclesss of the sssun, sssung to them. They called for her children who walked the ssstarsss. At first, her children were afraid… her voice never having been as ssstrong as it was then. Ssshe sssung her praisssesss, her joy! Ssshe called for them to come to her! Ssso… walking thossse final ssstepsss, they laid foot upon her holy asssh. Together with their blessssed eldersss, they dug their feet into the warmth of her embrace. The beauty of the promisssed land.. it wasss all too overwhelming. Her creaturesss, her bounty, laid into their handsss… guiding them to her hearth. For many turnsss of the sssun, they walked, until they reached her holy sssanctuary. From there… we ssspread across her warmth. We were home. And thisss is where my brothersss and sisstersss have remained, for asss long asss we have sssung to our children. Fruitful… ssso, ssso fruitful."

Ashwalker Society: “The Sssinging Era.” Years: ???

Tizirans, now calling themselves Ashwalkers, have lived for multiple full generations upon Eina-Kro’Chek-Ho. Bonded to the land they now call home, they spread their reach across the ashen surface.

This era of Proto-Ashwalker society is marked by an expansion of their people across the surface of Eina-Kro’Chek-Ho. Having evolved into a hardier, but much more primitive species thanks to the influence of what these people came to call “Mother,” these Proto-Ashwalkers were able to withstand the ash storms which buffeted the planet constantly. Scales hardened by constant contact with the hot ash and the deadly creatures of the world, a deep symbiosis had been forged between these people and their “Mother.” Carrying with them ‘seeds’ of the great mother, they traveled out into the ash, seeking to grow her song to the ends of the world.

Having localized themselves in an area which has yet to be discovered by NT personnel known, as “Kro’Chek-Ho Sel’tun”: “Hearth of the Scar,” they learned how to interact with the ‘extensions’ of the Mother. Tendrils through which creatures of various types came out of, spawned from the ash and rich biosphere of the planet, provided both potent medicinal aids and strong equipment that could bear even the hottest of lava.

Many old structures which became holy sites for Proto-Ashwalkers were found in this period. Seeds were planted in these places, forging a growing network of resources and life, which helped stimulate more and more of the world into a growing paradise for them. As more tendrils sprouted, unique plants began to grow across the surface of the world. Mostly in the form of mushrooms or flowering cacti, these plants bore significant medicinal appeal.

This period is where one of the main keeps of even ‘modern’ Ashwalker society was founded. With one of the strongest tendrils on the planet growing here, it began sprouting and spreading more of its own, being a sort of ‘nexus’ of influence. ((NOTE: This is where Ashwalkers in-game reside.)) Known to the proto-ashwalkers as: “Kro’Check-Ho Lo-Lyanaí” : “Hearth of the Thousand Lakes,” situated close to a great collection of lava lakes that spread out in all directions for miles.

Ashwalker Society: “The Modern Era” Years: ??? (Circa 2550-Present Day))

Nanotrasen operations begin, and disturbing discoveries are made. Examination and investigation of lavaland fauna and flora begin, as well as Ashwalkers being discovered.

Nanotrasen operations reach a peak in activity on a world they colloquially call “Lavaland” or in some cases “Indecipheres” for its wild nature. Discovering Ashwalker culture as their major mining bases are set on the planet, discussions prop up on the unique situation of the Ashwalkers. Seemingly immune to the effects of the planet, or perhaps so well-adapted its as natural as breathing, results in serious scientific inquiry being launched, as well as a dark discovery.

Eina-Kro’Chek-Ho; ‘Lavaland’, is alive. The planet itself radiates a sort of permanent psychic field that affects anyone on the planet’s surface. For the non-psychically sensitive, the planet poses a risk factor of 0.00000091%, unless otherwise related to extremist or separatist movements ((think: Revolutionaries)), in which case it jumps to 1.79%. At most, workers involved have reported hearing “singing on the wind” or “the moans and wails of lost souls,” which is officially chalked up to individual fear responses and personal interpretation of natural phenomenon. For safety reasons, equipment given to Nanotrasen Sanctioned Miners have psychic dampeners to ensure productivity does not cease. Other reported issues include:

  • Seeing ghosts in the corner of one’s vision.
  • Hearing the voices of loved ones lost
  • Auditory and Visual hallucinations congruent with Supermatter bursts, such as hallucinating oneself as a corgi.
  • Spontaneous headaches and/or bouts of nausea.

For psychically attuned individuals, telepathically inclined personnel, or any level of mental sensitivity listed therein beneath Nanotrasen records, these concerns skyrocket to a [ERR$%04! - Welcome Home, Children]% without proper mental training and preparation. The tendrils to which the Ashwalker people tend to seem to function as antenna for this affect, but it by and large seems to target very specific individuals. Listed suspected personality traits include: [REDACTED: ATTEMPTING DATABASE RE-ESTABLISHMENT…] Side effects include:

  • Extreme headaches and debilitating nausea
  • Feeling watched by a gigantic crowd or a hungry beast.
  • Spontaneous bouts of extreme fight-or-flight induced attacks, and the overwhelming urge to run.
  • A sudden compulsion to touch the wildlife.
  • Sudden and partial knowledge of Ashwalker Oral Tradition.
Obvious Placeholder Is Obvious  Mother-Of-Ash, 2556 says:
"Our mother isss a welcoming one. Ssshe wisshess to extend her grace to thossse who are in need. We can feel the sssuffering in sssome of your people… Lossst sssoulsss, ssssearching for an anssswer in the grand world we find ourssselvesss in. Ssshe wissshesss not to harm, only to sssoothe. Ssshe can offer a ressst with all our brothersss and sssisssterssss. A connection to sssomething that can give purpossse. Ssstar walkersss… if you ever sssso need ussss… You need only invoke our mothersss name, and show penance to her blesssingsss. Ssshe will guide you home. Your family will be waiting."

The tendrils seem to both create and consume life. Creatures born of ash and flesh rise to the surface through these tendrils in seemingly endless numbers. Slain creatures are eventually buried beneath the ash, and are re-used and returned a scarce few days later. The environment changes rapidly, as if the planet is molding itself through its ash storms, changing without ceasing. A number of unique anomalies have been noticed occurring in the vicinity of the starsystem Nova Sector stations reside in, with the most recognizable being the Limbswapper anomaly. Study is ongoing regarding these anomalies.

The ‘nexus’ that Lavaland appears to be, both for its seemingly endless resources and for its psychic concerns, has led to a vast collection of ancient ruins of various types along its surface. Hidden and revealed by the ash storm cycles, no two days may have the same structures revealed by its ever changing surface.

History: An In-Character Look (Part 2/3)

NOTE: This is the next part of Ashwalker lore, to be done and written for what the average ashwalker would know of this lore. Written in Oral Traditions, stories, etc. for proper roleplay usage and consideration.

Ashwalker Culture: An In-Depth Exploration (Part 3/3)

NOTE: This will be the final part of Ashwalker lore. This will dive into modern Ashwalkers (E.G. what we see in game) and their culture. How they interact, what their societal roles are, what common things they may do or see, etc.

Work in Progress: Footer subject to change at a moment's notice. Do not take a red link's presence, struck-through or otherwise, as confirmation (or denial) of their canonicity.

Nova Sector Lore

Common Species Humans, Tiziran, Unathi, Moths, Ethereals, Azulae, Slime Hybrids, Teshari, Synthetic Humanoids (and assorted robots), Pod Persons
Other Species Genemodders (Felinids, Ice Walkers, Dwarf), Ashwalkers, Hemophages, Snailpersons, Ordoht (Formerly Skrell), Plasmamen, Flypeople, Vox (Primalis et al), Tajaran, Vulpkanin, Xenomorphic Hybrid, Rouges (Abductorkin), Miscellaneous Species
Nanotrasen Nanotrasen, Central Command, Emergency Response Corps
External Groups The Syndicate, Interdyne Pharmaceutics, DS-2, Cargo, The Spider Clan
Nova The Nova Sector, Indecipheres, Freyja
Concepts Bluespace, Plasma, Faster Than Light Travel, Resonance ("Souls"), Death
SolFed SolFed, Earth in 2565, The SolFed Armed Forces, The SolFed International Capital District