General Overview and Standards
Being a member of command comes with a great deal of power and responsibility, what comes with this is a higher standard of roleplay expectations. You are expected to:
- Command are the designated leadership for the department.
- Your role is that of a leader, not a boss. Be considerate of other players from an OOC perspective, as well as an IC perspective.
- Unless otherwise specified, all of these guidelines are OOC.
- You should present yourself professionally in most circumstances.
- Do not act overtly sexual in public.
General guidelines for all command positions are as follows:
- You should be competent with your department and aware of its relevant policy.
- You should be able to assist your subordinates with most issues or complications they run into.
- You should be a role model for your department, or at the very least a good representative.
- As Command, you are expected to put the job first. This includes ERP.
- Command equipment and clothing is to only be given as necessitated.
- Loud mode should be used sparingly outside of emergencies, or getting everyone's attention.
- Access should not be given out for frivolous reasons.
- Do not change your job title outside of the titles provided.
- Do not leave the station's facilities for an extended period of time without a good reason.
- Access changes are not to be used to promote players to veteran-only roles.
- Certain command members cannot pursue station threats, please check 'Cannot Seek Roles' in Antagonist Policy for information.