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Denonyms: Tizirans
Other Names: Lizardfolk, Tiz, Tall Kobolds
Related Lore: Lore:Unathi, Lore:Ashwalker
Languages: Draconic


The most prominent lizardman species in the Milky Way, Tizirans use their cold-blood to their advantage, integrating into climate-controlled space environments with ease.

Pre-Split Lizards


The Tizirans, Unathi, and Ashwalkers encountered on the frontier share a common heritage. Each trace their lineage back to the arid aquifer world of Tizira. The earliest recorded evidence of what would be considered recognizably Tiziran culture dates back around 2200-2400 years before mankind first developed FTL capability.

The sun, Atra'Asl; the moon, Atra'Kor; and the low and high tides, Kor'Taku and Asl'Ton respectively; all hold significant cultural and religious meaning dating back to antiquity.

Circa 2000-2200 years pre-FTL, under the influence of these natural cycles and the partially nomadic populations of early Tizira, two broad ideologies came to light. The first, associated with Dawn and the High tides and popular among the working class, stressed the collective good, personal decorum, and outward effort as ideal.

The latter, associated with Dusk and Low tides and popular among scholars and the educated upper class; stressed animistic harmony with the natural world, tradition, and the betterment of the self.

Tizira was not a unified planet at by the time its people had developed their first FTL drive (200-400 years prior to human FTL) The schism between conflicting ideologies had only deepened over the preceding centuries. A nascent stratocratic republic had reduced the monarchy to little more than a figurehead. Animistic tradition seemed to be slipping out of the mainstream of Tiziran society.

In the face of increasing marginalization, and struck with wanderlust at the opportunities of space, the progenitors of the Unathi and Ashwalkers struck out into the void aboard lizard kind's first interstellar voidships.


2000 Pre-FTL: Pre-History

Characterized by the formation of recognizable Tiziran civilization, and the advent of written history.

  • Written history begins. Remaining records point to this society having been a Religious Monarchy, with the reigning monarch being a ‘speaker’ for Atra’Asl and Atra’Kor. Much like early society ended up being with humanity, there was a ‘high class’ and ‘low class.’
  • Much like humanity, it was nigh impossible for someone of a lower caste to move upwards. However, there is one exception to this.
  • The monarch was not decided by birthright. Instead, when a monarch began to reach the end of their life, they would seek out someone who embodied a balance between the two gods and showed great piety in their worship and daily life. How this was determined is unknown, but even lower caste citizens were seen to be chosen at times.
    • High class Tizirans were those who belonged in the scholarly caste. Anyone from Writers, ‘Scientists’, healers, etc. with the monarch and their family being a step above even them.
    • Low class Tizirans were the manual laborers. Those who still likely did skilled work, but weren’t performing a ‘scholarly’ craft.
  • Society sprang up around one of the larger nocturnal fog seas, where the tides didn’t affect early development much. It was the most optimal place for society to spring up, as the rains from this place often led to shallow lagoons refilling, keeping local biodiversity high.

1800 Pre-FTL: Antiquity

Characterized by the ‘discovery’ of Asl’Ton and Kor’Taku, tidal shifts, and other cultural touchstones.

  • While the effects of the sun and moon on the homeworld were subtly known already, the main birthplace of Tizirans didn’t have much of a concern related to it.
  • Around this time, the original society began to spread out upon the will of their gods, claiming more and more land for themselves and exploring further and further out. This would be an alternative birthplace for Tizirans; those who may have been cast out long in the past before recorded history or for many other reasons, found a home.
    • These Tizirans were nomadic, following a very simple hunter-gatherer society with an animistic view of the world. Each phenomenon had a soul and a relevant ‘god’ to them. The Sun and Moon were similar enough that it is largely irrelevant to discussion. However: Its their gods Asl’Ton and Kor’Taku (as they became known) that really shook up how the ‘mainstream’ Tiziran society saw their gods and their influence.
  • The nomadic Tizirans existed  in tandem with the tides. They roamed an area of roughly  three hundred kilometers every year, moving from lagoon to lagoon; aquifer to aquifer. As they were not close to one of the homeworld’s few seas, they roamed and hunted in balance with nature. The high tides would bring fish and game, thirsty from being out in the desert sands, and the low tides would bring with it rest as caves that sheltered them from the sweltering sun became accessible.
    • Dawn and Dusk would also be incredibly important to the nomadic Tizirans, as they performed many culturally significant rituals utilizing the bioluminescent plants and animal life they found there. This would eventually carry over to the main civilization in some way shape or form.
  • This unique way of life and understanding of the Sun and Moon led to a bit of a short renaissance for the main civilization. Suddenly, those who lived and worked more on the fringes; the late nights or the early days, understood the world around them that uniquely impacted their decision making and entire way of life. “Lower class” citizens were brought to a new light. Relations were quickly established with these nomadic Tiziran tribes, allowing for expanded cooperation.

1200 Pre-FTL: The Medieval Era

Characterized by the dissolution of the caste system, and the formation of modern political ideas. Namely The Daysong Way and Takuhism.

  • By this time, society has drastically changed. The inclusion of Asl’Ton and Kor’Taku into the main pantheon changed many roles and led to an overall shift in the general outlook of society. More akin to a Proto-Constitutional Monarchy at this point (just without the constitution), Tiziran societal structure became more focused on overall cooperation rather than castes of individuals. It did remain however and wouldn’t end in large part for most of the Pre-FTL era, but below is how it changed.
    • Two primary schools of thought begin to form during this period, latching onto the religious concepts that form their society.
      • The first: “The Daysong Way”
        • “The Daysong Way” is a school of thought that focused on the actions one shows to others. What you do in public, how you should act. A strict regiment and the beginnings of heavy militaristic ideas. This school of thought taught Tizirans to hold themselves with dignity, and to put more emphasis on how you interact with others and the world around you, rather than the self. Most the skilled workers or unskilled workers follow this way, along with of course the military.
        • In tune with the concept of Dawn and High-Tides, it emphasizes for one to put their all into everything as their baseline. To look to the plenty and give thanks, and to work together with the whole to gain a better future.
      • The second: “Takuhism”
        • “Takuhism” is the opposite to The Daysong way. This school of thought focuses on the betterment of self, the actions one takes in private and on the interpersonal level. A much heavier focus on family, rituals, and the soul. This subsumed most of the “higher caste” as many scholars, philosophers, writers, etc. follow this way at this time.
        • Dusk and Low-Tides themes: It emphasizes the personal self and soul; to focus on the betterment of the individual to support the whole. To see the whole picture of things rather than just what someone says.
      • The line between castes has changed. Where before things were highly structured and based on birth, this has begun to fall apart. As stated, the two schools of thought/philosophy began to form. These formed unique support groups and changed how work functioned, with more of an emphasis put upon exemplifying the characteristics of these philosophies.
        • The monarch still exists and is still the ideological ‘leader’ of the Tiziran people.
        • A council of a few hand-picked individuals (often imbalanced) from the two sides of the ideological spectrum. They help the monarch determine laws and develop society.
        • The ‘higher caste’ of scholars, writers, etc. has become a bit more accessible due to the ideologies of Tizirans helping emphasize this sharing of information and knowledge. More of them exist.
        • The ‘lower caste’ no longer really exists. They are simply the normal people, anyone whose not actively in the monarchy etc. They have more rights, better levels of equality, and an emphasis on the collective rather than the individual. Militaristic sentiments begin to grow during this era.

700 Pre-FTL: The ‘Renaissance Era’

Early stratocratic concepts take root in newly minted Tiziran republics. Divisions between traditional Takuhists and progressive Daysong camps begin to take root.

  • At around 700 Pre-FTL, the collectively agreed upon ‘Renaissance Era’ of Tiziran people began. The twin ideologies that sprung up in the past few hundred years have become thoroughly embedded into society. So much so that things both took a step back, and a step forward.
  • The Daysong Way saw significant success in the general populous, eventually bleeding its way into the higher echelons and causing a shift in governmental structure. No longer a Proto Constitutional Monarchy but a full Constitutional Monarchy (Signed Circa 705 Pre-FTL).
    • The reigning monarch has significantly less power over the laws and governing of Tiziran people. Now functioning primarily as a ‘president’ in terms of their level of power and spiritual leader of the reigning religion, most the power they once wielded has moved to The Council of Ways. This council functions as the voice of the people.
    • The Council of Ways is formed of twelve members, twenty four assistants, and the Monarch as its speaker as of 705 Pre-FTL. Each member represents a ‘colony’ or suitably large collection of Tiziran presence, which have two assistants (one from the Daysong Way, the other from the Takuhists) to maintain that societal balance and additional voices to ensure sound judgment. Society has spread a significant distance away from the birthplace of Tiziran kind, necessitating a representative from each of these areas.  These representatives meet twice a year to vote on laws, discuss current empire concerns, etc. There can be more if called upon by at least three members of the Council of Ways and ratified by the reigning monarch.
    • Military presence & emphasis on strength/work for the unity of Tiziran people has become the predominant societal structure. Military work has become a point of honor and pride, a way of ‘serving the whole.’ In this time period, Coliseums serve as a major form of entertainment for many, and as a way to demonstrate your “willingness to give your entire self” to your empire.
    • The concept of “spirits in everything” falls out of favor for The Daysong Way followers, choosing to only believe the soul exists for Tizirans as a reflection of their deities. Many rituals related to oneself fall out of general practice for followers of this ideology.
  • In stark contrast, Takuhism has had a strong effect on the overall living standards, intelligence, literacy, and a focus on the natural wildlife of the Tiziran homeworld and the bonds one makes with the many spirits of the wilderness.
    • Many of the greatest advisors are followers of Takuhism. Due to their promotion of a very learned environment/background.
    • Animal companions helping to enrich the inner self. Working with beasts of burden to help ground the self in nature. Several notable species are commonly kept as pets:
      • Nala-Nala are snakes roughly the size of a large dog. They are primarily used as guard or working dogs, and have been the subject of some debate. These colorful reptiles seem to be very distant cousins to the lizardfolk, but are fully domesticated. Controversy surrounding the ethics of using them persists, particularly among the more intelligent breeds.
        • They’re a common sight in rural areas; and in service with emergency responders, the military, and as assistance animals.
        • During the early days of Nala-Nalas’ domestication, they were seen as high status symbols among royals, but in modern days, they are an every-day pet..
        • Nalas come in all different colors, almost as many colors as lizardfolk themselves. Aliens have, at times, noted an unnerving resemblance between Nala-Nalas and their Tiziran handlers. Much to the chagrin of the latter.
      • Naki-Nata are small sand shrew like creatures. Seen as pests in rural areas, but popular companions in cities and primary school classrooms. These nocturnal shrews rest in burrows during the day, emerging at night to feed on small insects and scrub plants. Lacking any sand to burrow in they will tend to nest in fabric, clothing, bedding, etc.
        • It’s not uncommon to find Tizirans with Natas tucked away in hoods, pockets, or bags while traveling.
      • The Koo-Koo’Nara (shorthand ‘Koo’ or ‘Koos), an armadillo-like mammalian creature which, instead of hard scales, is covered from head to toe in fur. Normally only a foot or two in length, these warm-blooded creatures use the sand as camouflage, rolling about in it and becoming as-if fluffy tumbleweeds to hide their vibrant colorations. These creatures were highly sought after as pets and quickly domesticated, as being warm blooded and very friendly little tumbleweeds made for high demand.
        • As a sort of status symbol, the denser the fur and bigger the creature, the more ‘well-off’ a Tiziran was. They helped keep early Tizirans warm and alive on the coldest of nights, and Tizirans protected them from predators and gave them easy access to their most beloved food source: Wesbona.
        • This ‘flower’ is actually a glowing algae which sprouts brilliant flowers at low tide when revealed to allow pollinators to spread them to other locations. Mostly grown on the surface or deeper within the caves, a dangerous place for the Koo-Koo’Nara to traverse, lending to them being associated with Kor’Taku as one of their favored animals/holy creatures. They feed on them in the evenings and low-tidal periods, but are unable to digest the unique bio-luminescent chemicals these plants carry. Their body instead processes it into patterns on their fur, leading to beautiful multi-color patchwork designs across their body.
        • The Koos are largely omnivorous though, able to eat anything like small rodents, plant scraps, etc.
    • All the old rituals are being maintained by those of this ideology. The spirits of all things are to be treated with respect. They are the ones who really maintain this concept even into the information age, keeping a heavy reverence in particular to the great mounds of stone and the “lagoon spirits” that bless them with water. The old rituals of decorating oneself with dyes made from the bio-luminescent wildlife has become more of an “individuality” practice, blending into what would become the many vibrant patterning habits of many modern Tizirans.
  • Standards of living have drastically improved. In juxtaposition to humanity’s “renaissance” era, Tizirans have proper waste treatment, better overall treatment of the common populace, etc. They are essentially the “humanitarians” and “Ecologically focused” individuals.

460 Pre-FTL: ‘Modern Era’

Characterized by Tiziran civilization spreading to the whole of the planet. And later on, in the advent of micro-electronics and early forays into spaceflight.

  • Advances in rigging design allow sand-skimming vessels to sail uninhibited by wind directions.
  • “Age of Discovery” to follow.
  • Tiziran clothing and architecture strain to compensate for inhabitable climates.
    • The discovery of electricity, refrigeration, and resistive heating are considered milestones.
    • Early advances in what will become the field of life support technologies.
  • Early portable life-support systems become more commonplace.
    • Clothing as a tool for survival falls by the wayside, allowing clothing as a means of self expression or comfort to take precedence.
  • Settling outside of ideal climates is still prohibitively expensive. Rapid urbanization of population centers occurs. Concepts of public or collective ownership of property, and of multi-generational households become commonplace.
  • Subterranean and semi-subterranean construction practices advance. Urban centers reach ever further into the sky, and burrow deeper into the ground.
  • Elevated monorail systems span deserts to connect regional urban centers, but are quite difficult to construct.
  • Widespread colonization, formation of clans beneath banners of the two ideologies as new land is claimed and new discoveries are made.
    • Becomes known as the “Age of Discovery”, as many great wonders of the world are found. Some examples include:
      • Trahuk’Maktal, Desert of Endless Black. This is the only place on the planet where the sand is a brilliant, ebony black, shimmering with gentle purple light due to how it absorbs and reflects light. A place where tornadoes are a daily occurrence, and the air is thick with the cloud of upraised sand, lending it its name. Even with then-modern tools, it was impossible to see more than sixty feet ahead. Within these great shifting sands is The Endless Caves, marked with cave art and markings of ancient people’s long past. And the potential for deep-dwelling tzerians. Continues for miles beneath the surface.
      • Atra’Lu, The World’s Reach. A mountain that raises so high it breaks nearly to space. Known particularly for being THE landmark for what becomes ‘north’ in textbooks, etc. Also known for being the place where the first orbital missions were launched from in 373 Pre-FTL, with pads being built on the sides of the mountain at high altitude.
      • Asta’Lo, The Deepest Sea. Discovered in a land locked location far within the continent, this ocean is the single largest pool of water that exists on the planet. It goes so deep the pressure becomes so great no submersible ships can touch the bottom. Old ruins remain down here of a civilization that, somehow, remains intact. But out of reach for investigation.
  • What eventually become the Unathi get their origins in this era, as the clans grow at an incredibly rapid pace. The distance from the core cities would lead to unique cultural identities, eventually forming into larger united groups due to the isolation and the need to cooperate.

400 Pre-FTL: Information Age

Characterized by advances in communications, robotics, and the invention of superconductors.

  • Room temperature superconductors allow for advances in fusion power. And the invention of a new breed of hovering sand skimmers enables the development of trans-continental rail lines.
  • Urban centers quickly grow out into the surrounding deserts. Urban sprawl remains at a high density. Multi-family / multi-generational living, while no longer a necessity, nevertheless remains a cultural norm.
  • Integration of the internet connects disparate areas of the planet. Unique cultural identities shaped by isolating terrain mix and clash.
  • Early precursors of hardsuits are developed.
    • Supports the development of orbital structures, including the first permanently inhabited (although far from self sufficient) stations.
    • Fully enclosed portable life support systems allow for exploration of the deepest reaches of Tizira’s caves.

337 Pre-FTL: First Permanent Lunar Colony

The holy mother, Atra’Kor, is colonized. This period of time is characterized by extreme cultural backlash on all sides, and the means to which it was handled… or shoved aside.

  • Wrapped from its origins in controversy, hatred, and a boundless need to reach the stars, the aptly named “Atra’Mala”, Mother’s Hearth, started in hushed whispers long before its public showcase. Beginning as a secret joint-program between Clan Siree’Tokna and the Capital, the first lunar landing (taking place in 372 Pre-FTL) occurred. Touching claw upon the sacred grounds of their moon, Atra’Kor, led to a culture shock among those involved so severe it paralyzed efforts for a few years, as the first astronauts fought with internal grief.
  • It had long been known that Atra’Kor, their moon, was a surface capable of being walked upon. Society wanted it kept sacred by and large, leading to a great schism in inner academics and Takuist extremists with the rest of the community. This lasted until 366 Pre-FTL, with the next mission having far greater success.
  • Slowly, the Tiziran government began to leak information of the original landing to gauge the public’s approval, ensuring it was laden with misinformation and governmental propaganda to make it both more convincing, and yet all the same confusing. The outcry from the more religious Tizirans led to violence breaking out, and the supposed ‘program’ being demolished from all public existence and knowledge. The clan Siree’Tokna was pinned as the ‘culprit’ of this landing, leading to a great black mark on the clansmen that lasted for centuries after, and one of the founding issues that led to an eventual Unathi split.
  • This didn’t stop the proceedings though. Discoveries of rich mineral veins on the moon led to intensified efforts, the hunger of academic achievement outweighing any risks, leaving the governments and clans to disseminate knowledge and gentle progression to ease the public’s minds.
    • Three more landings took place before the colony began construction, in the years 364, 362, and 358 Pre-FTL.
  • Construction of Atra’Mala begins in earnest in the year 358 Pre-FTL, as public opinion finally begins to sway to a more neutral outlook on it. The older moon landings are publicized one by one, until in 352 Pre-FTL, the colony finally gets full public approval.
  • The colony sees completion in 337 Pre-FTL, and its first permanent residents move in. This event becomes marked on the calendars forever, remembered as the day Tizirans reached their holiest of holy, and shared in her embrace.
    • The holiday began as a veneration of Atrakor and the achievements of the Tizira; a festival of sorts. Celebrated mainly by Clan Siree’Tokna and its people initially, but spread out amidst the many other clans and main cities as a national holiday.
    • Eventually, the day would become the single biggest day of mourning lizard kind knows. During the final weeks of the Terran conflict, the moon is shattered to pieces and ruined. The prevailing thought being, “If we had never touched her beauty, she would not be turned to dust now.” An examination of hubris, and what constitutes ‘too far’ for Tiziran civilization.

0 Pre-FTL: Advent of FTL travel

A political crisis rooted in extremism among competing Daysong and Takuhist factions boils over into an irreconcilable cultural schism. Splinter factions build or steal FTL capable vessels in an exodus from the homeworld.

Work in Progress: Footer subject to change at a moment's notice. Do not take a red link's presence, struck-through or otherwise, as confirmation (or denial) of their canonicity.

Nova Sector Lore

Common Species Humans, Tiziran, Unathi, Moths, Ethereals, Azulae, Slime Hybrids, Teshari, Synthetic Humanoids (and assorted robots), Pod Persons
Other Species Genemodders (Felinids, Ice Walkers, Dwarf), Ashwalkers, Hemophages, Snailpersons, Ordoht (Formerly Skrell), Plasmamen, Flypeople, Vox (Primalis et al), Tajaran, Vulpkanin, Xenomorphic Hybrid, Rouges (Abductorkin), Miscellaneous Species
Nanotrasen Nanotrasen, Central Command, Emergency Response Corps
External Groups The Syndicate, Interdyne Pharmaceutics, DS-2, Cargo, The Spider Clan
Nova The Nova Sector, Indecipheres, Freyja
Concepts Bluespace, Plasma, Faster Than Light Travel, Resonance ("Souls"), Death
SolFed SolFed, Earth in 2565, The SolFed Armed Forces, The SolFed International Capital District