
From Nova Sector 13
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Denonyms: Name, Names
Other Names: Mains
Related Pages: Template:LorePageHeader for the documentation on this header, Template:LoreFooter for the footer.
Related Lore: Lore:Nova, Lore:Space
Languages: Sylvan


The below is taken from the Policy document and may be a mix of IC and OOC rules.


'Icewalkers', or hearthkin; and the 'local populace' of the ice-moon the crew occasionally finds themselves upon.

A culture of Norse pagan genemodded humans, the Hearthkin have been living in nearly every corner of the ice moon (or Niflheim to them,) for three hundred years. Developing from the original culture of their Ancestors, these beastfolk combine their own god-gifted lethality with more advanced tech than Ashwalkers; all with the aim of doing legendary deeds and seeking glorious hunts. Currently, the Hearthkin live in uneasy tension with their nearby human-and-otherwise neighbors. Keep your village and your Kin safe, but bringing death on their heads from being reckless with the outsiders will not have the Gods be so kind. While you are able to defend your camp, your nature as a role is a primarily neutral one. That means three things:

  • You aren't meant to proactively start fights with players entirely off abstract reasons like future harm to the land around the Hearth it has to be concrete harm to the Hearth as outlined below.
  • While you're absolutely allowed to defend your camp, you're expected to roleplay in the process - please refrain from just giving people a *growl emote and giving them an instant ultimatum (and instantly flicking CI when they don't comply.)
  • If outsiders come around the Hearth, establish what they're there for and offer them the opportunity to roleplay first, even if it ends up being hostile later.

Remember that you are not any form of antag, or antagonistic force.


'Defending The Hearth:'

If it's being attacked, being bombed, or elsewise, actively harmed or invaded.

If miners are setting off gibtonite around the camp, go for it, this does not require an OPFOR. However, if you want to pull a raid on the mining base for previously mentioned 'abstract harm,' please fill one and wait for staff's go.

People standing outside the Hearth does not constitute it being attacked, until they begin attacking it/stealing from it/etc.

Please work with the involved characters ICly to roleplay these encounters out, as you do come with both the ability to emote and two languages (Uncommon and Siik'tajr) that stationers can get as well.


'Lore Expectations'

  • Hearthkin names follow a specific structure. A birth name and optionally, a title - Their birth names still hold resemblance to 'Asgardian' culture, typically a Nordic name such as 'Solveig Helgasdottir,' or 'Bjorn Lukasson,' though names from other far northern cultures such as Inuit cultures or Sámi are okay. If 'Unproven' or otherwise, your Hearthkin may not have a title, but titles a two-parter, based on either great deeds, embarrassing moments, or aspects of the person's personality.
  • Some examples would be 'Soul-Drowner' after the night of a Hearthkin drinking herself half-dead, or one might be known as 'Glacier-Shaped' for being abnormally large. It can be a good opportunity to have one given to you IC, though you may start with one.


Hearthkin are gene-modded humans - what this means is they have human characteristics.

  • This could range from a feline Hearthkin with fur everywhere except their face, or a reindeer Hearthkin with just furred legs, hooves, and antlers, up to a bear one that's visibly a bear outside of their hands, and/or plantigrade legs.
  • This does not only mean cats, but can include any arctic or antarctic creature, this can go all the way up to functionally a wolf with plantigrade legs and human-style-hands.


'Special Circumstances'

  • You are free to compete with the station for resources; or 'kills', however, you are not free without an OPFOR to go sabotaging the station, or connected facilities just because they're around, as stated above.
  • As to station interaction, Hearthkin are established to trade with outsiders (hence their dual trade languages) and recognize that maintaining trading connections is beneficial to them due to the stationers having things they do not; though you are free and encouraged to roleplay being wary of advanced technology and strange items sold by them. You should, however, keep to the outside of the station as much as possible.
  • Hearthkin are also aware that the station's medical facilities and capabilities far eclipse their own, and you are allowed to bring dead kin there in cases where *no other option is available*, but do your best to avoid causing trouble there, and to generally leave as fast as possible.
  • Lastly, Hearthkin are allowed, but not expected, to try to assist the station with recovering their dead if they are in very difficult terrain or very hostile areas.


'Third Parties'

  • Antagonists should be avoiding any attempts to drag the icewalkers into conflict without it being part of their opfor, and the Hearthkin shouldn't immediately jump on any excuse offered by someone too either.
  • For the station crew: Same with the ashwalkers, don’t raid the camp when it’s empty/clearly uninhabited, Additionally, even if you are Security, do not start needless conflict with the Hearthkin if it doesn't create roleplay opportunities, and don’t break the cave, hole, or tunnel, whatever they spawn in or it's equipment without good reason (large scale attacks on the mining base, repeated killings of miners). The same as Hearthkin are expected to give you opportunities to roleplay and cooperate, you are expected to give the same thing back.
  • The interior of the Hearth is allowed to be treated as 'sacred ground' by Hearthkin, and they are free to evict people from the interior at their leisure; but as with everything else, please roleplay these encounters out as much as physically possible. Lastly, Hearthkin are allowed to be cross with outsiders speaking Aettmal without the permission of whatever Hearthkin are speaking with them, though you are aware that outsiders might not know the weight of speaking in that language. You should roleplay out letting people know they shouldn't speak it, though you must follow escalation. Speaking it alone is not a reason to attack someone.
  • Don’t use a single Hearthkin attacking you as justification to wipe the entire ghost-role. Do not use a single stationer attacking Hearthkin as justification for massive wars either.

Work in Progress: Footer subject to change at a moment's notice. Do not take a red link's presence, struck-through or otherwise, as confirmation (or denial) of their canonicity.

Nova Sector Lore

Common Species Humans, Tiziran, Unathi, Moths, Ethereals, Azulae, Slime Hybrids, Teshari, Synthetic Humanoids (and assorted robots), Pod Persons
Other Species Genemodders (Felinids, Ice Walkers, Dwarf), Ashwalkers, Hemophages, Snailpersons, Ordoht (Formerly Skrell), Plasmamen, Flypeople, Vox (Primalis et al), Tajaran, Vulpkanin, Xenomorphic Hybrid, Rouges (Abductorkin), Miscellaneous Species
Nanotrasen Nanotrasen, Central Command, Emergency Response Corps
External Groups The Syndicate, Interdyne Pharmaceutics, DS-2, Cargo, The Spider Clan
Nova The Nova Sector, Indecipheres, Freyja
Concepts Bluespace, Plasma, Faster Than Light Travel, Resonance ("Souls"), Death
SolFed SolFed, Earth in 2565, The SolFed Armed Forces, The SolFed International Capital District