
From Nova Sector 13
Revision as of 03:35, 19 February 2024 by GreytideSkye (talk | contribs)
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This template is intended to be at the top of each of the jobs pages to provide a basic overview of each job.

Meaning of parameters

colour is USED the background color of the header. This will also set the image background colour automatically.
hcolour is USED the font colour for the header. It accepts plaintext colours only.
bcolour is UNUSED the color for the job title box.
bhcolour is UNUSED the text color for the job title.
ebcolour is USED the background color for the section that holds the guides and other info.
loretype is the word that is added at the top. Intended to be in caps. Intended to reflect the kind of Lore this is, e.g. SPECIES, FACTION, CORPORATION, EVENT, NOTABLE INDIVIDUAL, LOCATION, uhh something for whatever you'd call an Audio Log that does some environmental storytelling like y'know it'd be a two-page optional pickup as a reward for solving a bonus puzzle.
img Sets the file without the need for the [[File:]] command. The extension and size modifier must still be specified.

mainname is the primary name for this, likely the page title.
othernames are secondary names that are used commonly enough to refer to this, without being the Official name.
denonyms is how you address a singular or plural of these. Optional.
relatedpages are for, you guessed it: related pages and guides.
relatedlore is strictly for related lore pages.
languages are for related languages. Common is implied. guides are in case there's specific guides, I suppose.


Example of the finished product. Check the source code for the code that generated the thing below. Please document any changes you make to the template code in the parameters and usage sections


Kilo Station

Other Names: Kill-yo Station, Tiny Donut, Crampedstation 13, Belovedstation 13
Related Pages: Lawyer (you will need one)
Related Lore: Lore:Nova, Lore:Security
Guides: no separate guides