
From Nova Sector 13
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The sub-pages I wave my magic wand over:





If you're sniffing here for rude comments, let me just direct you to Template:RecursiveChem/Cum so you can fuck yourself.


"A 192.168 IP address is a private IP address, specifically part of the range of IP addresses that are reserved for use within local networks (such as a home network or a corporate network). These IP addresses are not routable on the internet, and are used to identify devices within a network to allow for communication between them."

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Santa's Little Assistant  Santa's Little Assistant, 2555 says:
"Enchanted with festive Holiday cheer, this dog has two tags: "Santa's Assistant" and "Currently Under The Care of Penny Stil." What could compel the jolly Saint to abandon his pup, especially to the queen of OnlyFronds?"

I update things. I'm apparently in charge here now, besides whoever's actually owning the box. Code diving is a curse and a passion.

<section begin="001" /> 001, the chapter begins. Wizards beware, you're in for a scare. <section end="001" />