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Guide to Money

or... Station Economy? Literally just a rant about the sources of money to Department Budgets.

there is no fucking way that's true. that'd be so dumb. that'd be madness. I'm going to search the tg codebase for what actually happens

Was right about the Protolathes, that money for Unauthorized Users goes to the department. Don't think the electricity tax on cyborgs for using the lathe goes anywhere.

Everyone: Protolathes, when used by Unauthorized Users, charges 10 credits per click to dispense (e.g. clicking "print 10x" of an item charges only 10cr, but if you clicked "print 1" ten times, you'd be out 100cr). Withdrawing materials does not charge (?).

ACCOUNT_ENG (Engineering) has vendors including a "Bluespace Vendor", which might be the bluespace air tank machine vaguely in arrivals, vaguely nowhere? That Atmos can pipe gas into a receiving machine and it's bluespace sent to the air tank fillers wherever they're put down?

ACCOUNT_SCI (Science) has vendors, including the modular computer vendor. Papers you sell, using the PDA app. There's a setting where *every node researched on the Techweb* pays the budget some amount "techweb_bounty" (250cr by default), and while the default parameter for "get\_that\_dosh" is TRUE I can't promise it's actually used. There's a FULL\_ANCAP mode where shit like cryopods charge money. (Fun fact, the default value for fair\_market\_price is 69. niiiiice)

ACCOUNT_MED (Medical) has the Medical Kiosk out front which always charges you 15cr *but you can use a multitool on the board to change this price*. Under FULL\_ANCAP, Med charges 10cr for cryopods, 5cr for Sleepers, 10cr for Stasis beds.

ACCOUNT_SRV (Service) gets the cash from *all* the snack vendors. I don't see where the Tourist robots add to the department budget, so I think they... don't? (Double-checking on Oldserv's code, and nope don't see shit there either, but fun fact: LustWish goes there too) Which means the strategy is to ask your Cook to not make free food, and direct folk to the snack vendors.

ACCOUNT_CAR (Cargo) is the big one that coders treat as The Station Budget. See: paying pirates, the vault, shuttle insurance (Fun fact: if you buy shuttle insurance but then the shuttle catastrophe happens, you get 8000cr) There's this gem: ||icon_state = "car_budget" //saving up for a new tesla|| The "galactic_grant" positive station trait gives you 2k-5k bonus here at the start. Contractor ransom (1k-3k) comes from here. Cargo consoles all need to know ACCOUNT_CAR.

Confirming: the tourist only gives holochip payment. The round-end number is a total of these holochips handed over, and nothing goes into the Service Budget from them.

ok update apparently all departments get (at most) 500 credits every 5 minutes, as per /economy/proc/departmental_payouts().

Delivery crates with a Department Destination give Payment to ACCOUNT_CAR equal to pack.cost,