Tips & Tricks
Things that aren't a full Form but also don't belong on the Guide To Paperwork.
Matching Official Forms
The Raw Files
The forms the Photocopier can print are stored in config/blanks.json, see the Github of TG Station and Nova.
Fancy Headers
How the Official Documents do the colored bars with text: It's a Table with a background character and a font recolored. Taken from the Quick/Motho Medical Encounter form:
One Easy Trick For Fun And Profit:
<p><h3><table bgcolor="steelblue" width="100%"><th><div align="center"><font color="white"><strong>Personal Details</strong></font></div></th></table></h3></p>
What Colors Do They Use?
All official forms, for their colored headers, use White text overtop a department-specific color. Subscript text uses "grey" but does not reduce the font size.
Dept | Colors |
Command | RoyalBlue |
Security | FireBrick |
Engineering | DarkOrange |
Research | DarkViolet |
Medical | SteelBlue |
Supply | DarkGoldenrod |
"Other" | SlateGray |
SolFed | DarkKhaki |
CentCom | DarkOliveGreen |
Field Sizes
Lines for long entry:
Date and Time
Just a single [__________] and remind folk they can use %d to write the Date, and %t to write the station time
What ARE Things?
Weapon Permits
What even IS a Weapon Permit?
A weapon permit is literally an access level on your ID, under the Security heading. Security HUDs and Permit HUDs will be able to see an icon in the lower left corner over you, and Beepsky, even if set to Arrest for Unauthorized Weapons, won't attack you just for having the weapon. It represents permission to openly or secretly carry legally-obtained firearms, usually obtained through Cargo. You are thus allowed to carry them in a non-threatening manner for no reason, as per 206: Brandishing. Illegitimate firearms are not covered by a Weapons Permit, as per Corp Regs Restricted Firearms section,
Who gives them out?
The Captain sets the rules, but the HoP's usually the one to do the paperwork and change the access accordingly.
What do they cost?
This is at the discretion of the Captain and the HoP, mainly the Captain.
- Money: but you'll tend to see 200cr on a Good Day, 500cr on a Bad Day, 1000cr on a "I don't want to say we're not giving out permits, but we're not giving out permits" day.
- Background Check (Serious): Using the Security Records console or HUDGlasses to read their provided security flavor text. Numerous folk leave that field blank, since their character's a "good egg." You're free to deny on the grounds that Lopland doesn't have a good grasp on who you are and can't vouch for your trustworthiness.
- Background Check (Silly): Do you see my desk? "Yes." Do you see the wall behind me? "Yes?" So if the desk is in the foreground, the wall back there is in the..? "... Background?" This concludes the Background Check.
- Favors: Grab me a cup of joe, yeah? Tell me how cool the gun you buy is. First-born child. Wedgie the RD.
Who keeps the fee?
It goes straight into the HoP's hands. It is theirs to add to their own account, to send to subordinates, or to be really lame and stick in the cargo budget. Unless the Captain says otherwise. Don't mention it to them, and just quietly pocket it. It's free money.