Guide to Black Market Dealer
Looking to do some space looting? This page is for you! This guide will give you advise, tips, tricks, and suggestions on how best to salvage the skies and 'liberate' them to whoever will buy them!
Black Market Burst
The Black Market Burst is the heart and soul of your work. Without your ship, you wont be able to do much. Make sure it is protected at all costs //include image of blackmarket burst here for reference image// You and your ship will be spawned on an asteroid in the middle of nowhere space. Weather you call this your station, your home, or your hideout is up to you, but in the end it is a place of respite and calm where you can ~~stash valuable and illegal things~~ go back to and relax.
Preparations are key
Preparing for your adventure is key. While you may have a gun and a ship, you are not invincible, no matter how much you think you are. There are multiple strategies to going on your space adventures, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.
Get up and go
Arguably the fastest method, the strategy is simple. Grab your gun, suit, tools and ammo, and start searching the cosmos. When doing this you will quickly get into space and be able to find POI's very quickly, however it does also make you vulnerable. You will not have much support, and you will rely on the space gods to provide you with iron to supply your autolathe at home for ammo, and medical supplies to supply your slowly dying body. You will beat people who go from the station to space, but should you perish, your own hope is that ~~the admins are feeling kind~~ someone from the station finds and saves you. Not a recommended strategy for someone who is not confident in their skills as a space explorer.
Slow is Smooth
Taking your time has its merit in this field of work, and this method is the second most used method for space salvaging. Your station has enough supplies to provide you with the ability to create your own little science lab, where you can turn your ship into a fully functional micro-station. //include image of Black Market Burst in same way Alex Rosewalt sets up black market burst// The advantage of this set up is to be prepared for anything. Often times you can find yourself a cyborg friend if you are lucky, and can do everything you could from your station on the ship. This however comes with the obvious downside of taking time. In the time that you are setting up your ship, people from DS-2, freighter, Tarkon or the station itself could have gone out and taken all of the good loot from space, leaving you with the scraps. While you are unlikely to die, you run the risk of being left empty handed.