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The following page is currently in the process of being created, is undergoing a major structural rework and/or is being moved.
The reason for this is: "Hud icons out of date, some missing"

File:Scientist generic.png
Jerry Scienmon, the Scientist says:
"Here, have a look through this eye piece. If you look at certain things while wearing this Medical HUD, you can automatically view how healthy a person is, just at a glance! Pretty cool right? Not to mention, we also have Security HUDs for the officers, Science HUDs for the Chemists and other Science department staff, Diagnostic HUDs, night vision versions of these, fancy sunglass HUDs..."

Did you mean the game window?

The abbreviation of heads-up display. These icons show up if your character is either an antagonist, or wearing Security's HUDSunglasses or a File:MedGlasses.pngHealth Scanner HUD.

Antagonist HUD Icons

These are the icons that display over some persons under certain circumstances.

Icon Description
File:Antaghud-traitor.png Traitor. Can only be seen after round end.
File:Hudrev.png Revolutionary. Can only be seen by other revs.
File:Hudrevhead.png Head Revolutionary. Can only be seen by other revs.
File:Hudcultist.png Cultist. Can only be seen by other cultists.
File:Hudclock.png Clockwork Cultist. Can only be seen by other servants. Clockwork Cult was removed from rotation on April 3rd, 2018 and all code was removed completely from the game on October 15th, 2019.
File:Hudsyndicate.png Syndicate Operative. Can only be seen by other operatives during Nuke Ops.
Abductor. Can only be seen after round end.

Security HUD Icons

These are the icons that display over all persons while you are wearing a Security HUD. Personnel with a Mindshield Implant will have a flashing blue outline around their job icon.


Icon Description
File:HudhopV2.png Head of Personnel
File:HudhosV2.png Head of Security
File:Huddetective.png Detective
File:Hudsec.png Security Officer
File:HudwardenV2.png Warden
File:HudceV2.png Chief Engineer
File:Hudengi.png Station Engineer
File:HudatmosV2.png Atmospheric Technician
File:HudqmV2.png Quartermaster
File:Hudtech.png Cargo Technician
File:Hudminer.png Shaft Miner
File:HudcmoV2.png Chief Medical Officer
File:Hudchem.png Chemist
File:Huddoc.png Medical Doctor
File:Hudparamedic.png Paramedic
File:HudviroV2.png Virologist
File:HudrdV2.png Research Director
File:HudgenV2.png Geneticist
File:Hudrobo.png Roboticist
File:Hudsci.png Scientist
File:HudjanitorV2.png Janitor
File:HudbarV2.png Barman
File:HudchapV2.png Chaplain
File:HudbotanistV2.png Botanist
File:HudchefV2.png Chef
File:HudlawyerV2.png Lawyer
File:HudbookV2.png Curator
File:Hudpsychologist.png Psychologist
File:Hudhonk.png Clown
File:Hudmime.png Mime
File:Hudhelp.png Assistant
File:Hudprisoner.png Prisoner
File:HudU.png Unrecognized Rank
File:Hudno id.png No ID
File:Hudcentcom.png CentCom Official
File:Huddeathcommando.png Death Commando
File:Hudertcommander.png ERT Commander
File:Hudertengineer.png ERT Engineer
File:Hudertmedic.png ERT Medic
File:Hudertsecurity.png ERT Security
File:Hudertjanitor.png ERT Janitor
File:Hudertchaplain.png ERT Chaplain
File:Huderpentertainer.png ERP Entertainer

Arrest Status

Icon Description
File:Hudwanted.png Wanted
File:Hudprison.png Prisoner
File:Hudparol.png Parolled
File:Hudreleased.png Released
File:Blinkhud.gif Tracking Implanted
File:Hudchemimplant.gif Chemical Implanted

Medical HUD Icons

These are the icons that display over all persons while you are wearing a Health Scanner HUD.

Icon Description


No Viruses Detected.


Bad Virus Detected


Positive Virus Detected


Unknown Lifeform Detected

