
From Nova Sector 13
Revision as of 05:14, 4 April 2024 by GreytideSkye (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{TooltipInline|File:Skrelluq.pngSkrelluq|Popularly known as "Skrellian" by foreigners, this newly-discovered language that the Ordoht employ follows no traditional speech patterns. It relies on various differently-pitched warbles and low-frequency sound to construct different sentences, and is nearly inaudible to non-Ordoht and anyone lacking an appropriate implant.}}")
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SkrelluqPopularly known as "Skrellian" by foreigners, this newly-discovered language that the Ordoht employ follows no traditional speech patterns. It relies on various differently-pitched warbles and low-frequency sound to construct different sentences, and is nearly inaudible to non-Ordoht and anyone lacking an appropriate implant.