
From Nova Sector 13
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The Character Template

For use to insert Characters into pages. Adapted from Template:ItemUsedFor Parameters:

  • bgcolor1: Main color of the outermost background, behind Name. (Optional) Should be dark enough for white text to show up appropriately.
  • bgcolor2: Dark color of the text boxes, outlined in white. (Optional) Should be light enough for black text to show up.
  • width: Width of the total box displayed. Internal bubbles are scaled proportionate to the main box. Any valid width value, e.g. 200px, 80% (which will be 80% of the container, so smaller in small tables), 12in?
  • OverrideImage: If this is set to True (or anything), changes the behavior of the image field:
    • image, without OverrideImage set to anything: A file name in plain text, without quotes. e.g. Screwdriver tool.png. Will display that image at 50x50
    • image, with OverrideImage set: A [[File:something.png|whatever parameters]], or really, any sort of wiki formatting.

Regardless, Image will appear on the top left, overlaid over the bgcolor1 area, with Name displayed underneath.

  • name: String, the name of the Character.
  • rank: State their rank, e.g. Intern (Optional)
  • org: State their organization, e.g. Nanotrasen (Optional)
  • species: State their species. (Optional) Please link to any relevant Lore species pages, e.g. [[Lore:Vox]].
  • notes: Long text entry about any sort of notes, description, etc. Adds an additional text bubble below the image and name/rank/org bubble, and a title between them, "Additional Notes" in white. Use <br> and other formatting as needed. Tags like Unordered List or templates like TooltipInline have not been tested.

Character example:


Rank: God
Organization: Toolbox
Species: Other God

Additional Notes

Found in toolboxes.

|image=[[File:Screwdriver tool.png|link=Screwdriver]]|
species=Other God|
notes=Found in toolboxes.}}

Long Thesaurus

Verbose von Verbosity

Organization: Super Thesaurus of Super Thesaurus of Super Thesaurus of Super Thesaurus of Thor

Additional Notes

Demonstrating what happens when you use a lot of words in the Notes. Demonstrating what happens when you use a lot of words in the Notes. Demonstrating what happens when you use a lot of words in the Notes. Demonstrating what happens when you use a lot of words in the Notes. Demonstrating what happens when you use a lot of words in the Notes. Demonstrating what happens when you use a lot of words in the Notes. Demonstrating what happens when you use a lot of words in the Notes. Demonstrating what happens when you use a lot of words in the Notes. Demonstrating what happens when you use a lot of words in the Notes.



This person has neither Rank, Org, nor Species.