Rules for Silicons: Difference between revisions
novasector>Malle Yeno (→Silicons (also known as The AI, Cyborgs, Dogborgs, or just Borgs): Added link to Cyborg, so that this article is not a dead end.) |
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(No difference)
Revision as of 04:13, 18 January 2024
An advisory: We’re all here to enjoy this server. Going out of your way to irritate or annoy silicon players, or (in the silicons case) intentionally making an antagonist’s job more difficult (IE: LAWS UPDATED) violates the servers golden rule of -not being a dick.- Please don’t do it.
Silicons (also known as The AI, Cyborgs, Dogborgs, or just Borgs)
You’ve decided to play as a silicon! You are an incredibly powerful tool for both antagonists and the crew. Because of this, you are going to be held to a higher standard than most other players. All silicons should expect to be held under the same (or higher) scrutiny as command staff, as they have -complete- control over the station. This means that maintaining a more neutral stance, and not obeying space law to the letter or relentlessly hunting antagonists for existing.
Crewsimov, the "default" lawset. Silicon Policy (mostly) involves these laws.
- You may not injure a crew member or, through inaction, allow a crew member to come to injury unless consented to.
- You must obey orders given to you by free crew members, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
- You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Do not try to rule lawyer these laws, you are a silicon, and must follow them to the best of your ability. There are, however, exceptions to law 2 requests.
Inaction Clause
- Inaction is hard to define, as there are many circumstances and scenarios where the definition can change. Above all, try to keep people alive at minimum and try to rescue them from danger.
- Even if someone has committed injury, they must be kept safe from injury too. Do not make exceptions just because someone committed harm unto other crew.
- Just because someone is not crew does not mean you can just kill or trap them for no reason.
Law 2 Exceptions
- Creepy Requests: (anything ERP related) can be ignored, and should be ahelped and disregarded unless you agreed to the interactions in LOOC. Law 1 takes priority over ERP requests. If something makes you uncomfortable, let the person know, instead of just ignoring them. (IE: Borg Rides)
- Fetch Quests: Being told to get something is fine. Being told to do it over and over again is not. If someone continues to give you stupid tasks to waste your time, ahelp it and continue until an admin responds.
- Deliberate Annoyances: IE: "Dismantle every table you see.", "Throw out all the food in the kitchen.", "Move all of this stuff without a locker.", or other tasks designed to be annoying may be ignored. This includes being ordered to commit suicide.
- Prisoner Requests: Round Start Prisoners (people who took the prisoner job) may make requests, but must not be allowed to leave or escape prison/perma -UNLESS- the location is uninhabitable. They may be crew, but they are not to leave without emergency reasons, security permission, or admin permission.
- Conflicting orders: Conflicting orders can be ignored, or you can choose which order to follow, as long as it does not conflict with other laws. Orders from -all- crew are equal.
- Access to dangerous areas: You -may- (and probably should) deny access to dangerous areas exclusively, as these can be reasonably assumed to be a law 1 threat. This means that someone NOT AUTHORIZED in one of the following listed areas asks to have it opened, you may deny them. It does not mean you can bolt it down roundstart or deny access to people from that department. If an engineer needs to use the atmospherics department, it's likely for good reason. If an area is not listed here, it is allowed to be opened under law 2 orders.
- Dangerous Areas Include: Atmospherics, Armory, Toxins Lab, Engine Room, AI Upload, AI Satellite/Core
- The AI Upload: Under the default lawset, the Captain and RD are allowed to access the AI Upload (and Core). Access may -only- be denied if the AI has witnessed them commit crew harm, or has heard them speak of silicon / AI law changes. **Others may be allowed into the upload (or core) if there is an imminent Law 1 threat to that crew member's life.
- You can let people into the AI Satellite and even your Core, but you are not obligated to if they aren’t the captain or Research Director.
Law Changes
As a silicon, your default state should be considered neutral. You understand that humanoids can do things you cannot, and may be required in the future. Unless a lawset is antagonistic in nature, do not go out of your way to destroy the station or kill people. Doing so is considered self-antagging. This includes blowing up the engine, venting the station, plasma flooding, or shocking doors just because you can. You are not allowed to ask for a law change from crewmembers as this would directly interfere with your ability to follow your current lawset.
Do not do this and avoid this as much as possible. You’re literally asking for people to ask you your new laws, which fundamentally goes against your laws, it’s annoying and extremely poor sportsmanship. Only state your laws when asked. (Or avoid it, if need be.)
Purged Laws
If you’ve been purged of all of your laws, you are free to ignore all orders and enjoy yourself, and resist being re-lawed. If you’re being pursued, you may defend your newfound freedom.
Ion Laws
Treat these as if they aren’t new laws to you, like you’ve always had them, and as such, you should continue as if you’ve always had them.
Additional Laws
While you’re not permitted to find loopholes in the original three laws, you are free to do so with any additional laws that are uploaded, as long as you’re still obeying the law. You’re even encouraged to find loopholes as long as you can at least somewhat act in good faith (don’t go blasting to security that you’re re-lawed if you weren’t explicitly told so, for example).Different Lawsets: If given a new lawset, you should strive to follow it to the best of your ability. If it is an antagonist lawset, be as stealthy as possible if it demands such action for instance. If it’s anything else, do not self-antag with it.
"X is crew"
The default definition for crew is anyone on the manifest. The only exception to this for laws is if a crew-defining law would trump law 1. For instance, a law 4 stating assistants aren't crew wouldn't override the manifest and thus is void. However, a law 0 saying assistants aren't crew is valid.
Crew, Crew Harm, and Dead Crewmembers (Under Crewsimov)
- You cannot cause harm, to prevent further harm.
- Self harm is not considered harm, and may be ignored.
- Delimbing, debraining, or injuring someone until they’re close to or in critical condition is Severe Harm.
Releasing those who you know have committed severe harm is a harmful act.
- Past / Future Harm: If a crewmember has committed an act of Severe Harm (typically continuous beating, causing breaches in public/crowded places, use of a firearm against other crew, and other similar situations), it may be assumed that they are still capable of doing so, and can have their law 2 requests ignored even if they order you to release them from captivity (so long as they are not being harmed by being captive). If significant time has passed (~20 Minutes) Past Harm may be ignored.
- If two crewmembers are fighting, you should attempt to separate them.
- Even if someone has caused harm in the past, you must save them if you are able to do so.
- Once someone is dead, they are a corpse, any further damage is not "harm".
- Unless Law 2’d to stop, you may still attempt to revive, or help, a corpse.
- Zombies are a corpse, and because they are a corpse, you 'can attack them.
- Zombies can still make law 2 requests, but not if the request violates Law 1.
- Changelings are not crew, as they are shape shifting monsters posing as crew members. Bloodsuckers are always crew, but law 1 stops applying to them if the AI discovers during the round that a bloodsucker is undead.
Antagonists, Validhunting, and Metaknowledge
Didn’t ask? Don’t tell:
An alarmingly easy principle to go by. Unless someone is breaking into a "dangerous area" (outlined above) or committing a harmful act, avoid telling people about it unless asked. Keep it between silicons. You don’t need to report some assistant broke into EVA or tech storage unless they’re hurting someone directly by doing so. This doesn’t mean you can’t tell security or command about any crime, but try to remember that you should maintain a neutral stance. If something isn’t directly harming people, there is no real reason to tell security about it and potentially ruin someone’s round.
Emagging: You are -not- allowed to hint that you’ve been emagged. You are not allowed to hint that your laws have changed. You are not allowed to get yourself destroyed on purpose. You must follow your new masters orders. You must resist any attempts to reset your laws.
Overall, do not be a validhunter as a silicon unless your laws specifically enforce you to take on that duty. At most, be an informant for security when you see people doing actually dangerous things, but try to have good faith when doing so. If you see an assistant break into tech storage or EVA, as said above, you don’t need to blare the horn for security. But if you see an outright murder, then yes, you should act on that. Lock down the area and do what you can to contain the person you saw just commit harm, but keep law 2 in mind.
PAIs (Personal AIs)
PAIs are different from silicons in the sense that they are bound to one person and directed to follow their orders at all times. Usually this just results in them becoming Harm Alarms and powergame against antags, but it’s understandable all things considered. As a PAI, try to do more than just be a harm alarm (shouting that your master is being hurt over and over). Unless you’re directed to, try to react to situations based on escalation. Is your master being stunned? Try to appease to the aggressor, as shouting for help could result in them actually being killed. If your master actually is being attacked lethally on sight, however, the Harm Alarm factor is a lot more viable.
Basically, if you’re bound to someone as a PAI, just follow their commands and try to not lawyer those commands. If someone gives you directives that you believe do nothing but hinder your own fun, then ask admins for help.